RGBW receiver


Dedicated elf
Jul 13, 2012
Hi all, anyone had experience with these RGBW controllers

[/size][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I think I stuffed up and ordered the wrong one from Ray. I plugged in RGB lights not RGBW lights and there is no light output. I only get 12V output from the white connection. The others range from 2.6 to 3.6v. [/font][SIZE=78%][/SIZE][SIZE=small]Should all the outputs (R,G,B and W) all measure 12v output or is the fact that only the white has enough output to light the lights and indication that this receiver is faulty or does it rely on the white in the strip to work.[/SIZE][/size][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif] Is there any work around to get it to work with straight RGB strip or do I chalk it down to experience and have to order the RGB one? [/font][size=small]
Hi Logan,

I use those in my family room up lighting, but purchased mine from Amazon.com (free shipping here in the states). They absolutely put out 12v but just like any other rgb dimmer, they vary the level of ground to adjust color levels. Maybe your unit is faulty? I also ordered my strips from Amazon.

Thanks Louie,
I chatted with Ray online and he came to the conclusion that it must be faulty so he is sending out a new one.