RGBW support in the sequenzer software - Please help


New elf
May 18, 2015
I am currently using DMX512 decoders with four channels: RGBW. these decoders allows me to mix Red, Green, Blue and White colors to create other colors.
That means 4 channels per decoder or per RGBW light unit.

Is there any sequencing software which support this RGBW functionality (e.g. Vixen 3 support RGBW color but cannot be mixed together).

I appreciate your help. I am new to this sector and I have a lot to learn.

Not aware of any that would actually give you a picker that handles all four colors at one whack. LSP would also allow you to have a four channel device, but that white channel will just be white and the other's what RGB they come up with, no blended view.

My experience with Ather II units is when white is on, it's pretty tough to keep color in there at distance. Up close you can see a subtle difference, but at viewing distance no so much.
Thank you so much for your reply. At least I have a path to follow. What does LSP stand for please?
Also, could you please send me a link for Ather II unit? I did a search on internet but I could not find anything.
I appreciate it.

alfiot said:
I am currently using DMX512 decoders with four channels: RGBW. these decoders allows me to mix Red, Green, Blue and White colors to create other colors.
That means 4 channels per decoder or per RGBW light unit.

Is there any sequencing software which support this RGBW functionality (e.g. Vixen 3 support RGBW color but cannot be mixed together).

xLights has an RGBW node type. If the "color" is set to anything where the R==G==B, it lights up the white at the appropriate intensity instead. Otherwise, it uses the rgb channels. Not full control over each channel, but its a start. However, you COULD also model it as two separate models, an RGB and a White which would give you more control.
alfiot said:
What does LSP stand for please?

Loverly Software People ?

Theres support for RGBW in Madrix, Various Hogs, and GrandMA. All high end and high price gear.