RIP Bill Vanderslice


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
Im sad to say that Bill Vanderslice has passed away today, He was an inspiration to many of us in the early days with his over the top Christmas and water display. He was a member here, but i havent heard much in a while from him as he had become ill.

RIP Bill.

Most of you may know him by his magical display

Christmas Waters 2009 on Vimeo
Truly an impressve display. Only hours from where I live at that. As no one ever has the right words when you lose a friend, comrad, or someone who simply just shares a hobby. You may never meet but the connection is never lost in this small world. As all of us share this hobby with many not few people like him will be remembered through his accomplishments and to what we shared as show. RIP Bill, may the day we meet be not only in peace but in shared kinship.
Know Bill for a few years now. We would swap e mails from time to time. Last he wrote, not that long ago, was that he was felling better and looking forward to doing a display this year. Nice man.