Rolling machine


Full time elf
Oct 25, 2014
Munno Para
I found this and thought that it might be useful for anyone wanting to make their own wire frames or anything else involving steel.

It's a hand ring roller. For all those people in SA it's from Paramount Browns, I am sure everyone in SA knows the place, and it's a fairly reasonable price too $141.55 online or $149 instore. Personally I would drive there to get it as postage to Munno Para is $10.95, which makes it more expensive than the in store price and I drive past it every day.

I am sure for people in other states you would be able to find a similar product for the same price however just as an example the shipping estimate to Sydney postcode 2000 is only $19.95 so could be ok.

It says that it will do 6mm round and 25mm x 4mm flat bar, however you may be able to modify it to do slightly wider bar won't know till I get one.

thanks for if your read my wire frame assembly there is a machine in there use pulleys which are better for diameter thanks brian
Hi Brian,

Yes I did see your post about making your own, however some people (myself included) are lazy and can't be bothered making their own lol so would prefer to buy something that will do the job.

Personally for $140 it's not worth my own time finding the parts, spending maybe $50 or $60 on the bits then trying to put it together myself and doing something wrong and throwing it against the shed wall and then buying the pre made ring roller.

Also gives people the choice of buying something or making their own. When I get mine I will be using to to try making various bits and pieces and will post on the results.