Setting Up a LOR Controller Help


Apprentice elf
Dec 15, 2020
Hello... My desire is to connect my static LED house christmas lights to my Falcon F16v3's. So I bought 3 of the LOR devices used (image below). Last year was my first year with my light show for my pixels. So I would love to figure out how to do this. I am only using these LOR controllers to turn on and off the lights at the beginning of my show and at the end. My static lights will stay on during my pixel show. I tried using timers with my static LED lights last year but I could not get them turn on at the same time. So I was hoping to use the LOR controllers to turn on at the exact same time as my pixels.

My question is, how do I connect these to my F16v3? Do I connect these to my DMX output? I can use your help...

Thank you for your help.


Senior elf
Apr 2, 2022
Cherry St., Hudson MA USA
Yes, you can run the LoR in DMX mode and connect the LoR to the DMX output of just about anything (verify the pinout first!). I have not used the DMX approach personally but have seen instructions on how, starting here:

I was able to get my LOR + A/C lights to work in xLights by using the LoR protocol, and did exactly what you are hoping to do - run a low-priority static sequence with the A/C in xSchedule, then they get turned off when another sequence runs. There were two sequences I used that turned the A/C lights on during, but it is not common.

It was a pain to configure the LoR adapter in xLights, so hopefully DMX works better for you... but if not you can always get a USB LoR adapter. The LoR adapter is not required but it is useful because it is 2-way and can see what is going on in there, upgrade the firmware, configure the unit number, etc.

This year I may run the LoRs off DMX ports (if I have time to run my A/Cs at all), because I'm adding other DMX, and do also want to run less wires if I can... one less network type out there in the yard would be great.
This thread is very old. An answer might not be needed anymore.