Side view Strip for Arch props


New elf
Dec 14, 2016
Gold Coast
Hey Guys, I know I'm asking lots of questions..

This is a new kind of strip that has been around for a year or 2 and I havn't seen it used in christmas light stuff as yet??

My thinking was that this could be quite useful in arches because its low side emmiting design and its very waterproof along the strip due to the design of it..
interesting part will be cutting the strip but can be cut every one led so should be a case of just cut where i want and maybe lose one pixel.

My thought is to use some 20mm conduit with this zip tied to the Inside/outside and fixed with some sort of base.. looking to make approx 10 arches so looking at options to make materials easy to get as air seeder isn't the easiest thing to get by the looks of things.. May even work out that 2 strips per arch is the answer and will give the ability to do some cool effects with an over under opposite direction bounce could be achieved??

Just looked at the link again and that strip is a 3 led per pixel but they mention dream colour individual pixel also available..
I have some of these. and used them as arches last year. I found that to get the briliance of 12V pixels at 25% briliance I needed to run them at 75%. Apart from that I found them great. They are still in place. The only thing to watch with these is - DO NOT let them bend across the internal strip. With what you are looking at - they can bend on the horizontal as shown on the page.DO NOT bend in any other direction as you will break the strip and they will not work.
Yes. The diffuser is white , not clear. In your link, look at the pictures where they are not on. This is what they look like when you get them.


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