Special thanks to Ryanschristmas lights for his behind the scenes work.

As a newbie, I don’t know mud from clay but hadn’t it been for this website I would never have progressed! I would have dreamed to be in the US who seem to have everything (blablabla) and had a reason for being down in Oz...

But not anymore! So, on behalf of my wife and I, thank you Ryan from the bottom of our hearts as we get 12 months jump on our good friends o_O:eek::laugh:

Awesome job! Keep up the good work
Giving this thread a much needed BUMP. Thanks Ryan and all the mods for all the time you guys put into ACL! Time to boost some "generous elf" contributions. ACL is free but there are costs involved with keeping it going. Whats a few bucks to show your appreciation to all the time and effort Ryan and many others put into ACL to make it what it is! Doityourselfchristmas.com is now plastered with advertisements due to lack of donations just to keep it going... I wouldnt be where I am without ACL. If you feel the same please become a generous elf. Thanks to all who make this site what it is. The best blinky site on the planet!
I think this thread needs another BUMP with some copy and paste from 2018 lol. Lets get some more "Generous elf" on ACL with some contributions!

Thanks Ryan and all the mods for all the time you guys put into ACL! Time to boost some "generous elf" contributions. ACL is free but there are costs involved with keeping it going. Whats a few bucks to show your appreciation to all the time and effort Ryan and many others put into ACL to make it what it is! Doityourselfchristmas.com is now plastered with advertisements due to lack of donations just to keep it going... I wouldnt be where I am without ACL. If you feel the same please become a generous elf. Thanks to all who make this site what it is. The best blinky site on the planet!
Thanks again to Ryan and the moderators for making this site as great as it is. If you've benefited from this site as much as I have and want to see it keep going please donate a few bucks to become a "Generous Elf". Ryan seems to be a silent elf lately but I guarantee he does plenty. Thanks again Ryan!
Looks like my yellow badge has disappeared. Time for a top up.
Thankyou Ryan!
Time for a bump on this thread! Thanks again to Ryan and all the moderators for making ACL the best blinky site on the planet! Although ACL is free.. It isn't free to keep ACL going. I urge all members to become a "Generous elf" and keep the site going for many years to come. We all spend a ton of money on this hobby.. whats a few bucks to ACL! If you have benefitted in any way from ACL to achieve your goals this year with display please help out and donate a few bucks.
And with mine just expiring today - agreed - I will be donating again tonight.
For those that don't know how - click your Name in the top-right hand corner, and select the Financial Contributions item, and then you can choose the amount to donate. No amount is too small. Every bit helps to keep this wonderful community running.

Alternatively - use this link https://auschristmaslighting.com/account/upgrades :)

Hopefully I'll have a generous elf against my name again now. The packing elf sent some extras off to the guru elf when he ordered some stuff earlier this week.