spreadding the addition to my wife.


New elf
Jan 23, 2011
Not at home
Well I wasn't home with my family this year :'(. But my wife did put up lights (Ger first time putting up lights ever). I get an email today from her, she went out bargen shopping for lights for her display next year. I may have to compete with her on lights next year, hopefully she do sent take the house from me. LOL
Just thought it was funny and would share....

atleast you can be proud to brag to your mates about giving the missus the CLAP. Not many people can say that without booking a doctors appointment first
Clap has spread here as well, Rhonda ordered a heap of 200 bulb ones from BigW online. then told me what I was going to do with them. HELP!!!!!!!
Super, glad to know I'm not the only one who is spreading the CLAP to the misses. Now to get her to help with the programming side LOL, no but my 11 y/o is showing a talent for music and computes so here is hoping...
my wife has it too, when I was thinking about not doing a show this year she was the one who convinced me to do it and even bought a couple more props and let me buy some more lighting to turn the props she bought into the props she wanted LOL but I would be very happy if i could get her to sequence....they would do such a better job than us i reckon sometimes....but just don't tell them :p
Most women only ever seem to be effected with CLAP during December where they come out to take all the credit. By January it seems to have passed and they have made a complete recovery, well that what seems to happen with my wife
ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said:
Most women only ever seem to be effected with CLAP during December where they come out to take all the credit. By January it seems to have passed and they have made a complete recovery, well that what seems to happen with my wife

So Eddy, any idea's what the cure is for it??? i mean if the women can be temporarily cured from CLAP, surly we can do DNA testing of cultures collected from said women and genetically isolate the cure, then we could mutate it into more of a permanent cure.

I know this post is being scanned by the Christmas lights council of the cosmos (CLCC) along with the galactic light emporium (GLE) who oversees the production of all things blinky blink, do you think it is them that foul up all attempts to create a cure of mass proportions? ??? ?
Matt said:
ɟɐsʇǝppʎ said:
Most women only ever seem to be effected with CLAP during December where they come out to take all the credit. By January it seems to have passed and they have made a complete recovery, well that what seems to happen with my wife

So Eddy, any idea's what the cure is for it??? i mean if the women can be temporarily cured from CLAP, surly we can do DNA testing of cultures collected from said women and genetically isolate the cure, then we could mutate it into more of a permanent cure.

I know this post is being scanned by the Christmas lights council of the cosmos (CLCC) along with the galactic light emporium (GLE) who oversees the production of all things blinky blink, do you think it is them that foul up all attempts to create a cure of mass proportions? ??? ?

I know of no cure and I seek no cure for I am a certified proud carrier of CLAP and i will try to infect anyone that gives me half a chance.

This is all part of the symptoms of CLAP.