Spring in Cape breton

You can keep that weather to yourself. It can get a little warm here in Australia from time to time, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I bet your looking forward to summer?
You better believe I am!!!! I have props to build..... :p
BTW, just reported by the news that the northern tip of Cape Breton hit 210km/h yesterday....
I used to make the trek up north regularly as part of my job, and I saw an entire roof being lifted right off.
For most in that area it is a way of life, I get nervous when they call for 100km/h winds in my area.....
Christmas @ the Myrtle (Damicka10) said:
I'll take the warmer weather anyday. I know when it's winter here cause I have to wear shoes.
I'm hearing you. My toes hate winter. My Mrs still complains when we go out & I put my good, goin' out thongs on (double pluggers no less). I just don't think women understand!