Stand alone prop


Full time elf
May 12, 2010
I have a sleigh and some reindeer which I have had for years with just some dumb flashing lights but this year I am renovating the prop and will replace all the lights with RGB bullets. This prop isn’t really part of the synchronised lights show and will just run through a dedicated sequence on a constant loop. What I would like to know is how best to run a dedicated sequence on this prop whilst all the other props run through my normal synchronised show sequences. Do I run the sleigh off a dedicated Pi or is there another way to have this prop light up independently of the rest of my show?

I hope I have explained this clearly.
You can have the pixels connected as normal to any controller.
Then make a sequence just for the sleigh.
In xSchedule or FPP you would then add the sequence as an overlay sequence to play in a loop, while your normal playlist is acting on the other pixels.

The advantage with overlay & background sequences is that you can make the prop part of the show when desired or separate. Plenty more advanced options to cycle multiple overlay sequences on button press too.
You can do either. A dedicated Pi will make it totally standalone. Another option is something like the F-Prop.
If you run it off your main show player, you could load up an Effect Sequence on your show player and have that send the data out independent of your running sequences, but it gives you the ability to stop the eseq, and run it part of the main show if you want.
Oh I didn’t realise that schedule could do that. I will do some research on it.
