Dedicated elf
I would like to take the time and thank
Gerard Machado (Australia)
Kevin Pankratz (USA)
Steve Giron (USA)
for the tremendous amount of work that they put into the xLights user manual! I have posted a link to this manual on the releases page. I will try to keep it always current. There will be a version number and the date when it was last updated.
This year I have seen a change, a good change. People ask questions about xLights, Falcon, FPP (Setup, how to create effects, .etc.) i see more and more users answering and helping.
Gerard, kevin and Steve have stepped up and gave us a xlights manual.
It is nice seeing us becoming a community
thanks to all the volunteers
Gerard Machado (Australia)
Kevin Pankratz (USA)
Steve Giron (USA)
for the tremendous amount of work that they put into the xLights user manual! I have posted a link to this manual on the releases page. I will try to keep it always current. There will be a version number and the date when it was last updated.
This year I have seen a change, a good change. People ask questions about xLights, Falcon, FPP (Setup, how to create effects, .etc.) i see more and more users answering and helping.
Gerard, kevin and Steve have stepped up and gave us a xlights manual.
It is nice seeing us becoming a community
thanks to all the volunteers