The lid came off - wet F16V4 - what do I do now?


Full time elf
Generous elf
Mar 13, 2021
So I'm unsure if it was the wind, or someone having a sticky-beak -- but when I went out to check out my show tonight -- I realised the lid to my controller box was off - and everything inside was wet. So I've now got a wet f16, a couple of meanwells, and some power distribution boards. Everything looked to be running when I killed the power to it. What can I do now? hairdryer? paper towel? rice? Something else?
As a former electronic tech that had to clean pcbs that were covered in corrosive fluid, It is ok to get them wet as long as you dry it pretty soon.
You must get all of the water out though, so best idea is if you have an air compressor, then blow it out until you can no longer see any water coming out of any crevices, then soak it with water dispersant (crc, wd40 etc) and then blow it out again which will force the water dispersant under the components etc and get rid of any more water, then you can use a heat gun on low or a hair dryer to dry anything else if you want. (you don't want the heat gun on high as it will melt the solder and then you might as well throw it away.
Worked in a factory with high tech CNC gear that went under the 2011 Qld flood. If it's clean rain water then no problem, spray or even better submerge everything with alcohol (metho is fine) which drives the water out, allow to dry, then spray with CRC226 and scrub any corrosion off with a toothbrush and then drive of the excess with compressed air (Jaycar or Bunnings has air in a can). Leave to sit and dry for an hour and should be good to go. Should go without saying but disconnect from power first 😀
If you can get your hands on some silica gel bags (bigger ones than you find in shoe boxes) after you’ve done the bulk of the drying throw them in the controller box after with the lid on.
dessicant is not going to be any good unless the box is sealed. if you have vents you are just dehumidifying the yard.