time code / synced start / stop of sqequences?


Senior elf
Jul 13, 2013
I'm wanting to step up the game a little, and do a show at home that incorporates video and lights. Video support in most of the sequences is mediocre and certainly doesn't come with the 'nice' to have things that making video mapping easy.. I've been playing with Qlab ( figure53.com/qlab ) and its awesome. you can do all sorts of magic with it, it supports multi output projectors, you can do screen warping and masking, and its not overly expensive ( $399 )..

Anyway, heres some questions for you;

What (if any) of the home level sequence software accepts any of these protocols as a way of stopping / starting sequences remotely or can send these out

(a) LTC SMPTE ( Lnear Time Code )
(b) OSC