To mini tree or not to mini tree


Apprentice elf
Jan 12, 2013
Long Island
That is the question. I originally wanted 10 white. Then it became 8 in red/green. Now I'm not so sure how much value they add and would the channels and power and design be better spent elsewhere.

I personally like to have a lot of different elements in my shows. Spinners, firesticks, hoops, arches and the like. It gives me many different ways of sequencing songs. (more to play with) mini trees give you something to play with the beat at a very low cost as far as channels used and lights. You may consider dumb pixels/strips so you can change the colors. If using AC controllers, you could use led strings in different colors. The led strings can be purchased for less than $6.00 ea on ebay. Anyway just my personal thoughts .. hope it helps
I like mini trees as you can lay them out differently every year. Around a mega tree, border the driveway, layed out in a triangle, back drop behind arches, etc. The list go on and on.

Mini trees are great and very versatile. Not only are they low cost but as your budget increases you can add different colors (if you are using incandescent) or just add more trees.

I like symmetry in displays and mini trees fit that mold.
I love my mini trees and they add a lot of flexibility.
I use simple white pvc trees. Last year I used RGB dumb strips to colour them and it worked a treat. This year I am using milky white nodes from Ray giving and almost endless colour spectrum and the look of coloured balls handing inside the trees.
My vote would be to use them :D
+1 on the idea of mini trees with dumb pixels.
I reckon they give good bang for your buck and as others have said you can move them around year to year to vary your show.

I decided I am going with the Hex trees from Holidaycoro with dumb modules inside. It will be simple to configure and easy for a newbie to sequence. I have sequences done already with mini trees and 2 colors. I have been redoing the sequences in RGB and it is extremely easy.
I would only make RGB mini trees these days, depending on the effect i was wanting would determine if i went with dumb or intelligent RGB pixels
I am using four single-light-color "AC controlled" mini-trees in my first year of synch'ed Christmas lights. Next year I am pretty sure I am going to add maybe 12-20 mini trees (truly mini, perhaps as small as 2' tall) with "dumb" RGBs. I agree with previous posters about doing mini trees (and just about anything else, actually!!) using RGBs, even if dumb because you can do SO MUCH with the color schemes. No matter what you do, don't ever forget there will ALWAYS be a "wow factor" to your display!
I like the idea of having mini trees as they add so much flexibility to a display. As already mentioned, you can change the layout of them each your to have a different look. I also think they give a lot of option when sequencing too. Like Eddy, I would also only do RGB mini trees. I have 7 (possibly 10 if I get there) dumb RGB strip spiral mini trees which allow me to do a lot with my show.
But it all depends on what you like and what you have in mind for your show.