Track down FM transmitter location?


Dedicated elf
Dec 23, 2010
Trigg (Northern suburbs of Perth)
Bit of a weird one.

Had some people knock on the door tonight to let me know that someone else is transmitting on the same frequency as us. And with some very colourful language.. It also said something along the lines that photos are being taken or something.. One of the people recorded part of it to play to me, and it sounded like a text to speech engine of sorts.

I initially thought it might have been an idiot doing it from his car as a once-off, but when another group of people came in to tell me an hour later, I figured it was more likely coming from another house.

I went for a bit of a drive to see if I could hear where the signal was strongest, but by that time it wasn't being transmitted.

So it might be a bit of a cat and mouse game, but I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a good way to try and narrow down where the signal may be coming from? Some sort of an omni-directional antenna??
Hi Kane,

This situation is very hard. Tracking down a FM transmitter is very difficult in a built up areas without the right equipment. I know this is very hard to complete but it may be worth just changing frequencies each night and having a variable FM sign out the front. I know that the 7 watt FM transmitters off ebay are actually way to powerful when it comes to this sort of malicious use. Guaranteed its a teenager that wants to pretend like he has done some "Hacking" or what not but at the end of the day they are just ruining a masterpiece. Just like graffiti on artwork.

You could try and source a FM transmission Tracker / Locator off ebay but I have not seem them around for a long time as I think they are prohibited for use here. The only other way is to get a spectrum analyzer which will set you back way to much and you will not get it by christmas.

Sorry I really only find 3 Options here:
1. Change frequency all the time
2. Over power the other source
3. Use outdoor speakers only ( I opt for this and play loud music as my neighbours do not mind it. But this is different in everyone else's case.)

Jack | Derf
You could try and make a directional antenna and try to overcome it where the show is being played as tracking down the offender may be very difficult. Unfortunately changing the frequency will not work if they want to keep going at it. If you have organised a license to transmit then I would be calling the authorities who have the ability to track them down, especially if they are transmitting bad language.
You used to be able to buy direction finders many years ago but as Jack said, I have not seen them in years.
Maybe put something up on your facebook page warning of possible transmission problems and even offer candy cane rewards for information :rolleyes:
I hope you can work it out.
You used to be able to buy direction finders many years ago but as Jack said, I have not seen them in years.
Maybe put something up on your facebook page warning of possible transmission problems and even offer candy cane rewards for information :rolleyes:
I hope you can work it out.
I like the idea of soliciting the neighbourhood kids to hunt out the culprit
Luckily there wasn't a re-occurrence last night. So I'm just hoping it was a once-off.

Also hoping that it was maybe someone doing it from their car - rather than it being a neighbour. wishful thinking, but oh well.
Luckily there wasn't a re-occurrence last night. So I'm just hoping it was a once-off.

Also hoping that it was maybe someone doing it from their car - rather than it being a neighbour. wishful thinking, but oh well.
Could be right there. Maybe someone else in WA will be on their hit list next :confused:
I went for a bit of a drive to see if I could hear where the signal was strongest

I went for a drive last night to look at the lights in my town, some guy has a FM transmitter that was seriously pumping out the power and we were still listening to his audio 5-6 km's away from his house .. not sure what he was using, but not cool.. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to broadcast on FM to begin with, I think the ACMA turns a blind eye when you're only tx'ing enough so you don't interfere with anything else around you