Turn off specific props based on time of night


Full time elf
Nov 13, 2018
I'm wondering if it's possible to disable some props based on time, no matter what sequence is running?

The kids are having trouble getting to sleep with the flashing around their windows :D But I'm also thinking in case a neighbour complains about the spots I'll have that option too.

I'm using a windows laptop, xscheduler, and a falcon F16v2R, so any combination of scripting or settings would be fine. Is it possible to run 2 sequences at once? One could just play "black" from 9pm to certain props or something?

I'm wondering if it's possible to disable some props based on time, no matter what sequence is running?

The kids are having trouble getting to sleep with the flashing around their windows :D But I'm also thinking in case a neighbour complains about the spots I'll have that option too.

I'm using a windows laptop, xscheduler, and a falcon F16v2R, so any combination of scripting or settings would be fine. Is it possible to run 2 sequences at once? One could just play "black" from 9pm to certain props or something?


can you build/connnect them to a seperate power supply/receiver.

That way you could use a smart wifi power switch to turn them on and off at set times or via your phone,
In Xschedule you could run the 2 sequence with all the lights on and set the loop say 20 time and then after that it could kick of the same sequence but with the lights turned off for however long you want it. (edit the two sequence with the lights off and save it with a different name)Capture.JPG
can you build/connnect them to a seperate power supply/receiver.
that's not a bad idea, I'd have to get another timer but could be done...

you could run the 2 sequence
to clarify I have about 20 sequences, so I can't really do this to all of them easily! When I said 2 sequences I thought there might be a way to play one sequence that blacks out the prop while all the other show sequences were playing.

There's some output processing ("Add Dim"?) and other features in xSchedule that take channels and values as inputs but I don't know how they work...
Hm, I'm looking into matrixes in xSchedule - I think I could setup the props as a matrix, and then at a certain time I could just send some blank text or image to them and that would override the effects on that prop only, while keeping the rest of the playlist going... If I can get that working I'll write up some instructions!