Some new features have just been rolled out to the display videos section. What are they? Commenting and watch notifications. Yay!
There are two sorts of watch notifications that you can receive:
For comments, I’ve initially configured these to be ordered newest to oldest. This matches how profile posts are ordered. (Fun fact, video commenting initially was going to use the profile posts system. The final version however takes a different approach.) Depending on how this goes, I could later flip around the comment order to be oldest first (like reply posts in threads) if that seems better. Any video that you add a comment to should automatically turn on watch notifications if 'Automatically watch content you interact with…' is checked in your account preferences.
A new sorting option has been added to sort videos by the number of comments. This'll make more sense after you've all had the chance to leave some comments on the various videos
And yes, you can react to comments!
Something not working with comments or watch notifications? Please post to the 2.2 discussion thread:
Do you have videos of your show uploaded to YouTube/Vimeo from previous years but forgot to submit them for inclusion in display videos? Well here’s another opportunity ... starting now! If you specify the actual year a video is from in the extra details field then it can be moved to the correct year later on by an admin/mod. Anything going as far back as 2009 will be A-OK
. Just what did animated Christmas displays look like before the mass adoption of RGB? 
Lastly, Activity summary emails … what are these? They are emails that XenForo can send out containing a sample of site content that you may have been missed if you haven’t logged in recently. This is was added in XenForo 2.2, but before letting it out of the bag I first wanted to tune some of its parameters. These will be sent after it has been a few weeks since your last visit. There is an upper cutoff threshold so that these emails won't continually be sent for years (or even a few months) later. If you don't want to these in your inbox, then you can turn off Activity summary emails in your account preferences (email options). There will also be a link in the footer of each email to stop receiving them.
So who will dive in and be the first person to comment on a display video? And which video will that be? Hmm, decisions decision...
(Who will be the first to encounter a new bug...
There are two sorts of watch notifications that you can receive:
New video submissions, where you can be alerted to new videos being added. This works a bit like how you can watch an entire forum section for new threads. In the display videos section, there is a new 'Watch' button just below the existing 'Add your display video' button.
- Individual videos, for receiving alerts when someone adds a comment (yes, comments!). If you have ‘Automatically watch new content...’ checked content options in your account preferences, then all the previous display videos that you have shared up to now should have been prefilled on the new Watched display videos page. What this means is you can be alerted when new comments are added to your videos.
For comments, I’ve initially configured these to be ordered newest to oldest. This matches how profile posts are ordered. (Fun fact, video commenting initially was going to use the profile posts system. The final version however takes a different approach.) Depending on how this goes, I could later flip around the comment order to be oldest first (like reply posts in threads) if that seems better. Any video that you add a comment to should automatically turn on watch notifications if 'Automatically watch content you interact with…' is checked in your account preferences.
A new sorting option has been added to sort videos by the number of comments. This'll make more sense after you've all had the chance to leave some comments on the various videos

And yes, you can react to comments!
Something not working with comments or watch notifications? Please post to the 2.2 discussion thread:
Do you have videos of your show uploaded to YouTube/Vimeo from previous years but forgot to submit them for inclusion in display videos? Well here’s another opportunity ... starting now! If you specify the actual year a video is from in the extra details field then it can be moved to the correct year later on by an admin/mod. Anything going as far back as 2009 will be A-OK

Lastly, Activity summary emails … what are these? They are emails that XenForo can send out containing a sample of site content that you may have been missed if you haven’t logged in recently. This is was added in XenForo 2.2, but before letting it out of the bag I first wanted to tune some of its parameters. These will be sent after it has been a few weeks since your last visit. There is an upper cutoff threshold so that these emails won't continually be sent for years (or even a few months) later. If you don't want to these in your inbox, then you can turn off Activity summary emails in your account preferences (email options). There will also be a link in the footer of each email to stop receiving them.
So who will dive in and be the first person to comment on a display video? And which video will that be? Hmm, decisions decision...

(Who will be the first to encounter a new bug...