Updating Models in xLights??


Dec 19, 2016
Hi All,
I have some Bluey Props that aren't doing what they should, and it's driving me crazy!!
Someone suggested updating the xLights Model.
So, is there an easy way to do this, or will I just need to delete them all and start from scratch again. I really hope not.
Hey Giles, take note of the controller config of the existing Bluey model then move it off to the side. Now import the updated model and set its controller config the same, go to the controller visualizer and remove the older Bluey and drop on the newer one, then test. If the newer one works then add the old Bluey name as an alias on the new one, delete the old Bluey and all your sequences should pickup the alias name and run on the new Bluey. Fingers crossed!
One thing to double check - make sure it’s not wired backwards. If xLights expects you to be wired around clockwise but the actual wires are anticlockwise - all of the numbers/submodels will be off.
Ron Howard/xTreme Sequences has a short tutorial video on replacing models that I’ve been using recently. It uses the built in replace model functionality. Worth checking out even if it’s just for education.
Ron Howard/xTreme Sequences has a short tutorial video on replacing models that I’ve been using recently. It uses the built in replace model functionality. Worth checking out even if it’s just for education.
Thanks for that. I'll see if I can find that video. :)