Upload inputs with DDP


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
I've been helping a few people setup Xlights and FPP lately and a couple of nights ago I tried again and had an issue when I went to setup the inputs on a HE123 using the "upload inputs" from Xlights. I eventually went and manually configured the inputs in FPP and got it going. Today I was playing and doing screenshots to update my HE123 manual and I played around with Xlights and FPP further. I discovered that if you have a controller set to DDP the "upload inputs" is greyed out. Set it to E1.31 or Artnet and you can upload the inputs fine. The Xlights manual doesn't really say that DDP can't be used so I am not sure if this is something that has occurred recently or if it has always been the way.

On a side note when going through the xlight manual I noticed that preformed was in place of performed in a number of places around that section of the manual.
"The E1.31 Input Definition's will only be preformed for the controller selected"

On a further side note I've been involved in Xmas lights too long. At the start of the xlights manual there is some history of xlights, Nutcracker, Matt Brown and Sean Meighan. I had used Xlights way back when it was just a sequence player and I'd used Seans Nutcracker website for some effects. I also had a bit of use with Xlights 3 which was somewhat clunky compared to what it became. THEN David Pitts put in some interface work to make Xlights 4 a much slicker bit of gear. I can still remember being in ACL chat when Dave Pitts was showing off the early Xlights 4 development.


  • DDP-no-upload.png
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  • E131-upload.png
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There has been a lot of churn / breaking / fixing of xLights controller stuff just lately. Hopefully the dust settles soon... the people doing Halloween shows will work the kinks out of it :-D.
Upload inputs is done automatically when upload outputs is selected.
You can unlink it in settings


That said, DDP doesnt have any configuration within FPP, other than enabling the Channel Input screen - there's no mapping of channels like with E1.31; so it's a rather "useless" exercise so to speak.
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