Full time elf
I was mainly wanting to ask Keith since he wrote the effect but was afraid he might be asleep right now so figured I'd just post my question.
I got an older sequence that controlled moving heads and when I imported I found it was using On effects at the node level to control Pan and Tilt. I'm not very familiar with the Adjust Effect since its newer but I thought I could use that to fix things. So for moving heads the old school method is you create a Single Line model and then do individual channel assignments so you would have one called "MH Pan" and its would contain all the pan channels for all your heads. So then effects are usually placed at the node level for this model. Since xLights renders Model level effects before Node level effects there is no way to use the Adjust Effect to fix these effects as far as I could tell. If they were DMX effects I could just use the remap feature. I've tried putting the Adjust Effect over on the Moving Head model but that seems to completely overwrite the data instead of being able to add an offset. I also got confused as to the render order and didn't have time to do a test to see if someone changed things. My master view had the MH Pan model above the Moving Head 1 model and the Adjust effect on the Moving Head 1 model wasn't doing anything. Then I swapped the render order and saw it impacting the data at the node level. That didn't make sense because we've always rendered models top to bottom in the Master View and bottom up for the layers within the model. So not sure why I was seeing it look like its now reversed unless that's just some weird thing with the Adjust Effect. Need to do more testing when I get back home.
I got an older sequence that controlled moving heads and when I imported I found it was using On effects at the node level to control Pan and Tilt. I'm not very familiar with the Adjust Effect since its newer but I thought I could use that to fix things. So for moving heads the old school method is you create a Single Line model and then do individual channel assignments so you would have one called "MH Pan" and its would contain all the pan channels for all your heads. So then effects are usually placed at the node level for this model. Since xLights renders Model level effects before Node level effects there is no way to use the Adjust Effect to fix these effects as far as I could tell. If they were DMX effects I could just use the remap feature. I've tried putting the Adjust Effect over on the Moving Head model but that seems to completely overwrite the data instead of being able to add an offset. I also got confused as to the render order and didn't have time to do a test to see if someone changed things. My master view had the MH Pan model above the Moving Head 1 model and the Adjust effect on the Moving Head 1 model wasn't doing anything. Then I swapped the render order and saw it impacting the data at the node level. That didn't make sense because we've always rendered models top to bottom in the Master View and bottom up for the layers within the model. So not sure why I was seeing it look like its now reversed unless that's just some weird thing with the Adjust Effect. Need to do more testing when I get back home.