Release Vixen 3.2 Update 2 Released


New elf
Sep 21, 2012
We released Update #2 today for Vixen 3.2. This release corrects a number of bugs found since 3.2u1. If you're already running 3.2 or 3.2u1 it's a good idea to install this update. The most notable fixes are related to GUI presentation problems (missing buttons, etc) on high res monitors, and the FPP blank export problem. As part of the export fix, we stumbled on an area that was easy to optimize. So this fix results in a modest performance increase as well. Also included is a fix where vixen would crash when you looped the entire sequence in the editor.

Many people may be hesitant about installing updates at this point of the season. For those not having problems, you're ok to stay where you are. You won't me missing anything exciting. If you are having the problems addressed in this update, it's safe to update. This is a conservative bug fix release.
