3.x Vixen 3 sequences


New elf
Sep 7, 2014
Hi guys does anyone know of websites where I can download / buy sequences for vixen 3. Ive started a little late and being my first year I would like to run a basic show but edit something existing to suit what I need. From what I can see it needs to be a .tim file ive tried the couple that exist on diyc but they don't seem to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
vixen 2 is .tim
i believe vixen 3 is another format..
it does'nt take long to whip up a semi decent sequence with all the effects that are built into it.
say 2hrs max for a 3min song, an thats being fussy
Actually, Vixen 3 sequence files *DO* have the .tim extension (Vixen 2 are .vix), but using someone else's sequence is just about impossible unless you have an identical setup. The ability to import V3 sequences and map elements from one profile to the other will be added at some stage, but probably not this year.

However, Alec was right about one thing - "it does'nt take long to whip up a semi decent sequence" in V3.

And there are enough of us using it now that you can generally find someone in chat who can help you out.

If you are looking for already made sequences, you can always import vixen 2 sequences into vixen 3. There should be plenty of vixen 2 sequences available. The mapping function that is used as part of the Vixen3 import process is very handy and to support what Alec (and Dave) said I have been able to import, modify and tidy up a vixen 2 sequence in only a few hours.
Thanks guys your right I'll just keep plugging away and make the show my own I did try to import a couple of vixen 2 sequences but they wouldn't work but thanks for the advice much appreciated
I have had heap of trouble importing vixen2 sequences for two of my sequences. Vixen 3 just closed without any warning at the end of the conversion.
I flattened the profile into one sequence and it worked.
I loaded a different profile (less channels and didn't have any rgb channels)) for another sequence and got that one to work. Even though some channels were missing it was still quicker to get most of the sequence loaded and add back the RGB stuff later.
It was frustrating but i got it to work eventually. :)
Some bugs have been found in 3.1 including the Vixen 2 import.
I don't know when it is coming, but there will be an update coming sometime soon. Probably 3.1.1

Like any software, you don't find the last bugs until more people use it in ways that the dev team didn't.

The bug fix for V2 import is quite interesting, as it uses a bit more intelligence to do the conversion, and will tell you if the sequence has stuff that it can't deal with.
I am really happy with using vixen 3 so far. There's definitely things that can be improved, fixed etc, but it allows a sequence to be developed very quickly - far quicker than Vixen2. I was hesitant at first to swap to vixen 3, but now have developed all of my new sequences and converted all of my V2 sequences using it. My next foray will be into the Falcon pi player. I have bought the hardware, but haven't tried it yet.
I look forward to any future vixen3 updates and a big thanks to the developers for such a great program.
I gave Vixen 3 a go purely out of frustration of LOR and trying to do pixels in DMX. This is only my second year and I have not tried any other programs, but I feel Vixen 3 would be very hard to beat for it's ease of use and setup. Changing and sorting colours and controllers is very easy. So is the visualiser. (first time I have used one-just don't try and zoom in)
I you take the time and do set ups in groups for example. Whole House / Windows /window 1 etc. It is very easy to knock out a very decent sequence very quickly using the wipe and chase effect etc. across the group of elements or the entire house. I was stressing about using LOR and trying to do my pixel tree and arches and all the RGB elements as well now. I had no idea it could be so easy. I do miss not being able to use superstar for full pixel control though.
A big thankyou to the team of Vixen 3. I only started sequencing last week and I am a good way through it.
If you get Vixen 2 sequences to import I would be happy to send you some and I will tell you what song they are for. I presume basic means no pixels (or not many). I had no pixels last year and not many this year.

Send me a PM if interested.