What comes next?


Full time elf
Dec 31, 2014
Nine year old granddaughter says at tea the other night "Now that Christmas is over, what are you going to do Granddad?"
"Why start on the Easter Bunny trap of course!"
Miss seven leaps to her feet, stands pugnaciously right in my face, fists on her hips and says "You've got no chance! Easter Bunny is much smarter than you!"
She then proceeds to list my failures in this endeavour. 2015, set the trap on the lawn, and the bunny burrowed out, 2014 left the "ACME 3000 Easter Bunny Trap" label on the trap, and "Easter Bunny can read!" (Who knew?)
Finishes with "And LAST year, Easter Bunny ate your mint slice biscuits out of the fridge and left a note!" Then adds scornfully "Actually, that was Madison, but YOU didn't know!"

It seems I may need help with this rodent ......
Oz, my reasoning to the granddaughters is, if I catch that damn bunny, I get EVERYONES Easter Eggs! Alas, the bunny has thus far eluded capture. It may well be a titanic never-ending battle akin to Batman vs The Joker. Those granddaughters are on the bunny's side.

The ACME 3000 Easter Bunny Trap
If you get a working Easter bunny trap let me know. I spent a day this year repairing damage done to lights by the non Easter variety from Xmas 2016.