Where to buy extension cable?


Apprentice elf
Mar 19, 2019
Hi, i'm wanting to make a few longer cables and add my own 3 pin pigtail, but i'm not sure where to buy from.
Does Bunnings or Jaycar sell any?
I see plenty of 3 core cable, but not sure if it's the right one (with positive, ground and data),
I found this on Aliexpress,
But not sure i want to spend that much,
Any links you could send me i would be very appreciative,
The cable is pretty much just standard 3 core mains extension cable in 0.75mm2. You can get matching cable from electrical wholesalers are even Bunnings etc. If you don't care about the cable being white then you can generally get 3,5,10,20m extension leads for about $1/metre from Bunnings, Big W etc. That's what I use and I use the plugs from the end for building my enclosures. A mains lead leading in and the other end leading out. That way I can daisy chain from controller to controller using the same cheap cables.
Electrical wholesalers tend to charge somewhat higher prices to the man on the street so what they charge for black 0.75mm flex is probably considerably higher than what a sparky will get charged for it. If you know a sparky ask them to get a price for you.
You can use 6 Core security cable to make your own. I know quite a few people use the security cable to make them.

You should always aim for 6 core 14 strand by 0.20mm Secuirty cable and double up to make pairs (2x Cables per connection e.g. Red & Yellow for Postive, Blue & Black for Negative and Yellow & White for Data.

Alternatives that I have seen in practice is Network cable and speaker figure 8 cable.

Me personally use a mix of home made extension cords out of security cable and Ray's Pre-made extension cables.
The 6 core 14/0.20 (0.4mm2) cable is a fairly good choice.Using 3 conductors for ground, 2 conductors for the +ve and 1 for data will give you a fairly heavy duty extension cable. Make sure that you use the 14 x 0.2mm rather than the 7/0.2mm and the 6 core is much, much better than the 4 core.
I just use pre-made extension cables of various lengths (5', 10', 20' etc) with pigtails already attached. More expensive initially, but don't have to worry about connecting the pigtails, making sure they are a good connection and waterproof, don't have to purchase a heap of heat-shrink, and don't have to spend a heap of weekends making them.

but I am the world's laziest DIYer :laugh:
^ Make sure the pinouts match other props you have or are making so there is no issues with crossing wires (pos/neg for example)
ALWAYS test continuity and shorts on cables/connectors BEFORE applying power to them. Just because they are pre-made doesn't mean they are perfect.
So i take it from what your saying is that their is no specific data, positive and ground cables, it's just how yo u wire them up?
Thanks for all your help, i think i'll get some of the 6 core cable delivered,
Try www.sparkydirect.com.au .... they sell to anyone, and are reasonably priced.

I asked a local sparky for 30m of 4mm twin and earth, and he said $130 for it... Sparky Direct I could buy a spool of 100m of the same delivered for $192 That isn't what you want though, just something to watch out for, a sparky trying to make some money for nothing.

As others have suggested, extension cords can be as little as $1 per metre.... I bought a 'heavy duty' one $19.99 for a 20m extension. :)

CAT 6 is cheap too.... 305m rolls for around $140, and CAT 5 is a lot cheaper too.
So i take it from what your saying is that their is no specific data, positive and ground cables, it's just how yo u wire them up?
Thanks for all your help, i think i'll get some of the 6 core cable delivered,
The only caveat on that is if you want to run long data runs, then cat5 or cat6 is the go. The twisted pairing allows for data to travel further without being corrupted.
If you don't want to use that, then either use shorter runs or use f amps or null pixels.
And when running power injection, or power period, make sure the cable can handle the current draw. Check the specs and add up you max current before committing.