Why I haven't been online much lately...


Apprentice elf
Aug 14, 2011
Pakenham, Victoria
I haven't been doing blinky-flashy and online as much as I had hoped this year.
I've had a few other things come up:


In late April we're expecting the birth of our baby daughter and first child.
The first pic is of her sucking her thumb, the second is the realtime "4D" scan they can do and it really is amazing to watch how much she's moving at such a young age.
Everything in the scan was looking normal and healthy so we're super-excited!!!
Great news guys, Becoming a parent is the best thing IMO. as for a daughter, niiiice, you can now buy yourself a shotgun, so you can be polishing it when her first boyfriend comes to pick her up from home, just to instill some fear.

Again, Congrats
Congrats 8)
She isnt born yet and your time is stretched, wait until she is born then you will really be time poor :D . But its all worth it and im sure she will be daddys little girl.

She already has dads face :eek:
congrats and if you think this hobby is time consuming, YOU Ain't seen nothing yet. But it's all worth it
Cheers and Best wishes
Boof63 :) :) :) :) :)
Congrats to you and your family Justin, Becoming a parent is an amazing experience.
If you think is hard now getting ready for Christmas it is only going to get busier, We had a daughter in September last year and somehow got it all ready for Dec 1st. And this year is no different as you become even more time poor.
Enjoy the experience, the whole experience as it goes past so quickly.
Thanks guys. I'm still going to have everything ready by Dec 1st, it's just between working 2 jobs and taking my wife to multiple appointments to check everything had been going along OK I ran out of time to do much additional to last years (According to the specialist we we're never going to be able to fall pregnant naturally due to a condition she has...Well after 10 days of trying IN YOUR FACE MEDICAL SCIENCE!!!!).
But I'm sure I'll manage to get everything up this year and future years and continue to grow my display :)