Windows laptop on same network as Controllers


New elf
Generous elf
Jul 10, 2014
I am attempting to run a Windows 10 laptop with Xlights on same network as all Falcon Controllers. Can this be done? It seems that when I first connect a controller to the network, I can ping the controller with no issues. But, after opening XLights and attempting to run sequencer, I am unable to connect afterwards. My controller goes offline. I then go back and ping my controller and I am unable to ping anymore.

Can Windows 10 OS Laptop and controllers be connected to same network to run XLights?
They can absolutely be on the same subnet, the issue is most likely an improper network setting. Doublecheck your subnet mask to make sure they are correct and that you are not using a duplicate IP that is already in use.

Thank you so much! I can't believe that I knew that I should not have duplicate network addresses, however, I forgot that I had to replace a controller and did not re-configure it. As soon as I saw your reply, I knew I had a duplicate IP address on my network.

Thanks again for saving me so much time. I change the addressing of one controller and now everything works GREAT! :)

Thank you so much! I can't believe that I knew that I should not have duplicate network addresses, however, I forgot that I had to replace a controller and did not re-configure it. As soon as I saw your reply, I knew I had a duplicate IP address on my network.

Thanks again for saving me so much time. I change the addressing of one controller and now everything works GREAT! :)
I'm glad things worked out for you. Good luck with your show.