Wishing you all a Merry Christmas


New elf
Dec 12, 2020
Hi Brendan here

I had just been up and spoke with Ben after seeing his house only a few streets away, and wanted to see what goes into setting this up. Ben showing me the control units, bit my bug in the lights that I had been wanting to do for about 10 years now after being introduced to the Light-O-Rama system in the USA. Money & time were always my 'too hard' basket, but as my kids grew up, it sort of went by the wayside. Now I see this as something I can do with them being 20 &15yo.

Looking forward to crawling through this forum and getting my ideas together of what is possible.

Merry Christmas to all
Welcome and wish you the best on your journey back into it. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi, Brendan is was Great meeting you last night and welcome to the Community. You will find the people here great. As i said shout out if you need a hand. The first word of advice is to stay away from LOR it is way too expensive and we can help you get more bang for your buck.