Xlights - time to donate!


New elf
Dec 14, 2014
Maybe Im full of Christmas cheer, maybe im just a noob who was really happy to get my first display running this year!

I was hoping a few others might join me in donating to the Xlights team: https://xlights.org/ (look for the yellow donate button :)

Im continually impressed by Xlights, and the amount of work that goes into the updates.

I know I dropped a fair bit of cash on LEDs and hardware this year, but couldnt have put my display up without Xlights.

Thanks Keith and team!

Well said. It blows my mind that people can spend so much money on pixels, controllers, etc and not donate to the "FREE" software that makes it all possible. I wouldn't be where I was if it wasn't for this great site as well. There are costs involved to keep ACL going. Everyone needs to donate a few bucks to all the "FREE" sites and software that make our displays possible.
I donate my $120 a year (They probably only get $110 after fees, but the thought is there). For me thats worth every cent.