

New elf
May 14, 2020
I am looking to run my xLights sequence directly from my computer to the F16v3 pixel controller Vs the Falcon Pi Player. Does XSchedule still exist as part of xLights 2020? Also what is xCapture?
Yep, xSchedule is still a part of xLights and it keeps getting bigger and better

xCapture I believe is used to capture data packets live, I think it's mainly used for fault finding.

There's also xFade which can be used to fade between one sequence and another, mainly for live theatre type shows I believe.
Thanks for the reply. How do I find xSchedule? I do not see it in the xLights menus any where. This is my first year so I i learning on the xLights 2020 version but see a lot of videos reflecting older versions of xLights where there was a tab for xSchedule right in xLights.
xLights and xScheduler will show in the start menu.
xFade and xCapture are only found through the program file origin.

xLights and xScheduler are the most used so they're entered into the start menu during installation. The other two programs are more specialist.

In Windows 10 [Unless you've changed appearance] there is a search box on the task bar. Otherwise click on the Windows icon and start typing. This will bring up search.
my xschedule does not see my f16v3 controller. I can run a sequence to my mega tree direct from xlights but it will not run on the mega tree when using xschedule. The lower window in does not show any controllers so maybe this is the issue. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong?
my xschedule does not see my f16v3 controller. I can run a sequence to my mega tree direct from xlights but it will not run on the mega tree when using xschedule. The lower window in does not show any controllers so maybe this is the issue. Does anyone have any ideas what is wrong?
Have you selected the correct folder? Take a screen shot of xlights scheduler