Xscheduler Issue


New elf
Sep 10, 2023
Hi guys/gals,

Experiencing a frustrating issue setting up Xscheduler. I have sequenced a pretty basic show and all runs perfectly fine when testing from Xlights. Have downloaded Xscheduleer and connected to my controller, i then have selected my show to run on a loop but when it comes on i basically just get every pixel flashing multi colored. Have checked and dont seem to have any other program trying to output to the lights at the same time such as Xlights. Scratching my head over here. Am trying to run this through my Mac. Cheers.
It sounds like you have test mode on in xschedule. I think it’s in the tools menu, check if the test mode entry has a tick next to it.
xSchedule... for mac huh? How'd that happen?

A thing to check with xSchedule always is that your xlights_networks.xml is saved in the folder you run from... if that's wrong it'll ship the wrong fseq data to the wrong place. Of course that your sequences are rendered and saved against that same layout file.

There may be clues in the way the lights are flashing, but I can't see them. Start with some simple stuff - like a sequence rendered all red... are the lights staying put or flashing, and do they happen to be red? Maybe get a better sense of what could be going on doing something like that.
Thanks guys, I’ll have a poke around this arvo when I get home. I understand Mac support for Xschedule isn’t great, the version I downloaded was a 2020 one I believe.

If I can’t get it to work I may look at turning my Falcon FV4 into a player and running it that way, would that be an ok workaround?
The F16v4 can run as a standalone player, but only for itself. So if you have more than one controller it wouldn't work. You would also need the audio expansion board if you wanted sound output.

xSchedule has been discontinued on Mac for some time. So how well it works on the later versions of MacOS I am not sure.
That said, you're getting activity on the lights (albeit wrong) - so that means the app is definitely outputting something. I'd be looking through the suggestions that @merryoncherry had in the first instance.
The F16v4 can run as a standalone player, but only for itself. So if you have more than one controller it wouldn't work. You would also need the audio expansion board if you wanted sound output.

xSchedule has been discontinued on Mac for some time. So how well it works on the later versions of MacOS I am not sure.
That said, you're getting activity on the lights (albeit wrong) - so that means the app is definitely outputting something. I'd be looking through the suggestions that @merryoncherry had in the first instance.

Thanks for that, really appreciate all the help I can get. This is my first year doing pixels so I only have the one controller and no audio this year so using the falcon as a stand-alone player may be the go. Plan on picking up a RPi for next year.
In that case, you should be alright with using the F16 as your player. I've personally never done it but there are a few who have who can chime in with any more assistance if needed :)