PCB Design Tools

Designing a complex circuit board is much easier these days thanks to specialised software. Here's a few of the more well known offerings as well as some other information to make designing a board easier.

==Altium (formerly Protel)==
* [http://www.altium.com Altium Designer] Professional, but expensive.
* [http://www.altium.com/community/downloads/en/downloads_home.cfm Altium Designer Viewer] To view all Altium files.
* [http://www.altium.com/community/downloads/en/downloads_home.cfm Autotrax] Old DOS version, now freeware.
* [http://www.altium.com/community/downloads/en/downloads_home.cfm Easytrax] Old DOS version, now freeware.

==Design Spark==
* [http://www.designspark.com/pcb Design Spark PCB] Free.

* [http://www.cadsoftusa.com/ Eagle] Free and paid versions available.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qG0O9LKH-_E&feature=fvwrel Tutorial lessons] [[image:Youtube_icon.gif]]

==Handy Stuff==
* [http://www.desmith.net/NMdS/Electronics/TraceWidth.html PCB trace width calculator]
* [http://www.creepage.com/ PCB clearance & creepage calculator]

==Board Houses==
* [https://www.pcbway.com/ PCBWay ]
* [http://www.pcbcart.com/ PCB Cart]
* [http://www.goldphoenixpcb.biz/ Golden Phoenix PCB]

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