Recent content by Cranzy

  1. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Perth Mini 2024 - 8 June

    If you want to contribute to the mini, we need presenters to cover a topic of their choice .. here are some ideas on topics Just saying again, the success of the event relies on our collective participation and...
  2. Cranzy

    Recent leaping arch airseeder/pex tube pricing

    Nice, That is where I bought mine in 2019. the 36 outer/32 inner. I still have 30m roll left :P
  3. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Perth Mini 2024 - 8 June

    😄 All good, I can confirm I see the payment :P
  4. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Perth Mini 2024 - 8 June

    Awesome, thanks :)
  5. Cranzy


    Welcome :) Be sure to checkout the
  6. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Perth Mini 2024 - 8 June

  7. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Vote for Perth Mini 2024 Date!

    Votes are in and 8 June is the clear winner. Event thread created ->
  8. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Perth Mini 2024 - 8 June

    As we gear up for our upcoming Christmas Mini, we're excited to invite you all to contribute to the event and make it a truly memorable experience. We're looking for volunteers to share their knowledge, demonstrate their creations, and help make the day even more exciting and engaging for...
  9. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Perth Mini 2024 - 8 June

    Perth Mini 2024!! 📅 Date: Saturday, 8 June 2024 🕘 Time: 8AM - 5PM 📍 Location: Kailis Bros Leederville 📝 RSVP: Register your spot. 💰 Cost: $35 💳 Prepay! 💳 To streamline our process, please prepay in Australian dollars via PayPal using the link below (Please select Friends and Family else I get...
  10. Cranzy

    2023 Journey - First display for JohnnyBoy

    Agreed, create a new thread and put a link referencing each other. :)
  11. Cranzy

    Closed Ink Creations Jan 2024 Prebuy

    :D Happy wife, happy life... pick your battles carefully.
  12. Cranzy

    Are you considering Moving Heads for your Light Display.

    Awesome stuff. So it is a new model but with an option on existing ones to be upgradable to the new model?
  13. Cranzy

    Perth/WA Vote for Perth Mini 2024 Date!

    Hi, I'm starting to plan the Perth Mini for 2024, and I want you to help me choose the perfect date. Your opinion matters, and I want to ensure as many of you as possible can join for a day of lights, learning, and community spirit. We usually have the mini early in June, which provides time...
  14. Cranzy

    Famous people with CLAP (your lights on TV or popular websites, etc)

    Don't have the video, our place usually ends up on the weather section of the news last year and the year before. Also did a radio interview with ABC a few years back. Glad Im far out of the city enough so it doesn't cause too much traffic chaos.
  15. Cranzy

    Spin megatree images to show at the front

    The images usually display on the front. Are you using 3D layout in xlights, if so, when you click on the megatree, the Blue arrow should be pointing towards you, and the red arrow to the right.