Adelaide/SA 2015 Adelaide Mini - June 20/21


Let there be Light!
Dec 28, 2010
Mawson Lakes, South Australia
2015 Adelaide Mini, Register your attendance

Date : 20th / 21st June 2015
Time : Set up at 9:30am Start -10:00am Finish 4:00pm (lunch break at 12:30)
Venue : Elnino has provided a central location at 242 Glen Osmond Road at Fullarton
Cost : $5 per person, per day, payable on the Saturday arrival.

More details via the wiki

If people can reply with their availability to come on this date it will be much appreciated. If we can get enough people together to hold a mini we can work out what to discuss from there.

If all else fails we will organise a meet and greet at a venue to yet be decided.

I will update this post as members advise me they are available and if available for both days or 1.

So far I confirm the following members are available.

Karob - Sat / Sun
Elnino - Sat / Sun
Crazylightlady - Sat / Sun
Darylc - Sat / Sun
Mellowcouple - Sat / Sun
Damo1271 - Sat / Sun
Adski - Sat / Sun


404 darylc not found
Dec 8, 2012
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - FINAL Chance - June 20/21

I should be good for Sat/Sun, I can also present on a few topics that I am presenting at the Sydney mini this month.


Full time elf
Oct 12, 2011
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - FINAL Chance - June 20/21

I'm available at this stage for both days. I'm happy to present a topic.


Full time elf
Oct 25, 2014
Munno Para
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - FINAL Chance - June 20/21

Hey all.

Never been to a Mini before and definitely interested in attending as I have a few questions before I start buying a lot of gear.
I do have a small issue with the date, it's my partners Birthday on the 18th of June so would be doing something on the weekend of the 20th 21st, and I am sure she wouldn't be impressed if I told her I want to go to this mini and not do anything for her birthday.

I will put myself down as tentative for both days, however I may only be able to make 1 or none.

And I was so looking forward to being able to attend.

Also I couldn't see what suburb Elnino's office is located to figure out how far away it is.


Let there be Light!
Dec 28, 2010
Mawson Lakes, South Australia
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - FINAL Chance - June 20/21

Hi Kitman

The Mini is a great place to learn what to buy and what maybe you dont need to buy.

I do not have the exact suburb where Elnino is but I am led to believe it is just outside the CBD around the eastern suburbs, I will confirm this for you.

I dont blame you for worrying about upsetting the chief financial controller on her birthday weekend, we all have to juggle blinky and brownie points at some stage.

Once we work out who is coming and what people wanting to learn we can work out a schedule, This may enable you to do a half day and leave to satisfy the non blinky part of life and then come back the next day.


Full time elf
Oct 25, 2014
Munno Para
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - FINAL Chance - June 20/21

Hi Karob,

That would be good. I am planning on starting my initiation into the computer controlled lights by building a mega tree, not sure if that's too ambitious or not, but hey gotta start somewhere, and why not start big, and fail bigger lol.

The chief financial controller isn't super keen on my blinky passion (I have spent way too much already according to her, how little she knows), however our 17 month old will love it this year, he will almost be 2 years old when the display gets turned on (I won't be much older lol), so even if for his sake I am sure I will be able to organise something, unless the mini doesn't go ahead and a simple meet and greet is organised I can ask questions then, or just jump in the chat at some stage.


Dedicated elf
Jan 5, 2014
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - FINAL Chance - June 20/21

Hey Kitman. Don't worry about going too big, First year I did controlled lights was last year, and I went straight into a mega tree. After all, you have to make a statement :D
And if you do what I did and space out the expenditure over the year, you won't notice a big hit in the hip pocket.
Then once the lights are up and its all flashing and people are ooing and aahing, The wife will tell you what she wants you to build next year 8)
I spent almost the whole of last year building things (every spare bit of time anyway) and once we got closer to xmas my wife started to get excited and told me what she wanted, So a sleigh was born.
This year I am told that pixels are in.
They don't call it CLAP for nothing ;)


Full time elf
Aug 1, 2014
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - FINAL Chance - June 20/21

Ditto, last year was my first time and I had to make it worth it - Megatree, outline, pixel arches etc. The problem i had is the street already had a big thing going at christmas so I couldn't do it by halves I had to one-up them :)

This year I'm planning to change the elements but probably not add that many more. I'd really love a matrix but not sure if the funds will support it yet. Mostly converting dumb elements to smart pixels.

The office is on Glen Osmond Rd, Fullarton.


Let there be Light!
Dec 28, 2010
Mawson Lakes, South Australia
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - June 20/21 - Last Chance to rescue

Adelaide Mini Update

Looking at the response from ACL Members who have stated they are interested in attending this years Adelaide Mini we have now locked in the dates of the Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st of June as this years date.

If everyone can register their attendance at the top of the screen to finalize numbers.

I will now call for members who would like to present a topic and also what members would like to have discussed at the mini.

Adski did come up with some ideas before regarding topics to discuss

- Basics of synchronised light shows (if we have any beginners register)[/size]- Summary of popular lights currently available- Summary of popular controllers currently available- Summary of popular software - philosophy, features, target audience- Demonstration of latest releases - new features (hardware and software)- Audio editing - create your custom mix- Networking - E1.31- Powering and fusing- Sources of lights, software, materials, components etc.- Resources - 101 manual, forums, wikis- DIY construction workshop - electronics, soldering, lighting props etc.- Sequencer software workshops

A few random specifics:- LOR- LSP- Vixen 3- Xlights 4- HLS- Madrix- Glediator- Pixel controllers - j1sys, Sandevices, Pixlite, DIYLedExpress- Pixel extender / null pixels- DC controllers, Hanson Electronics, AVD, Ray Wu, Renard- Raspberry Pi as a show player

If anyone wants to add to this list let me know, also if you would like to present on any of these topics or another one please let me know.

[font=tahoma, sans-serif]I would like to keep it similar to last years mini where we was able to discuss as a group, I found this worked quite well and was less confronting to new elfs looking to ask questions, we are all a friendly bunch and this was evident with the participation from everyone.

[font=tahoma, sans-serif]Dont forget to register your attendance and lets light up Adelaide.[/font]


Full time elf
Oct 12, 2011
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - June 20/21 - Last Chance to rescue

I can make a short presentation on how I make my null pixels and converting dumb pixels to E131 if that would be of interest. I was also looking at converting and RGB flood to E131 and if I get to converting and testing one in the next few weeks I can cover that topic also.
I can also assist presentations on other DIY construction topics, eg soldering, welding, networks and so on.
Just let me know.


Is that Magic Smoke?!?
Oct 18, 2011
No longer in Radelaide
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - June 20/21 - Last Chance to rescue

Good work guys, Hopefully there will be a way for me to watch or listen,, Although I do not have any lights anymore, I still have the itch, that very itch that i know will need to be scratched again soon.

You never know, perhaps i may be in town for work near that time (doubtful)


New elf
Jul 8, 2014
Re: 2015 Adelaide Mini - June 20/21 - Last Chance to rescue

Hi there
I would love to attend the Mini
Im available both days.
Is it a two day program or 1 of either day?
What time is planned eg 9-4pm ?
Cheers Eric
Torrens Park SA.