2015 Mini Adelaide

Herein lies the details for the details for the 2015 Adelaide Mini.

Mini Christmas Expos 2015

Melbourne Mini 2015
No plans for a mini...yet
Sydney Mini 2015
May 23-24, 2015
Brisbane Mini 2015
May 30-31, 2015
Adelaide Mini 2015
June 20-21, 2015
Perth Mini 2015
No plans for a mini...yet

Dates: 20-21 June, 2015

Times: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm

Cost: $10 per person ($5 per day)

Where: Glen Osmond Rd, Fullarton.
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Forum discussion: https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/2015-adelaide-mini-june-20-21.7494/

Streaming: NO plans to stream this year, but we will be recording where practical. Recorded videos will be uploaded to the AusChristmasLighting YouTube account https://www.youtube.com/user/AusChristmasLighting/

Sponsors & Supporters

  • Geek IT (venue)
  • Mawson Gourmet Meats (food)


Refer to the mini's forum discussion topic. Registration is now closed.

Day 1 Plan (Saturday)

SATURDAY - 20th June
9:30 amALLDOORS OPEN: Time For Setup!
10:00 amKAROBWelcome / Housekeeping
10:10 amKAROBSequencing Software Latest
10:20 amADSKIVixen 3 [Watch Video]
11:00 amKAROB AUSSIEPHILOverview of Light Types [Watch Video]
11:15 amALLDoor Prize Draw
Toilet & Drink Break
11:30 amAUSSIEPHILPractical Pixel Fault Finding [Watch Video]
12:00 pmBBQ LUNCH
12:45 pmFLYINVERTEDxLights 4 (live from California USA) [Watch Video]
1:30 pmALLGroup Photo Time
General Chat / Toilet & Drink Break
1:45 pmDARYLCHow Hot Is Your Box/Enclosure [Watch Video]
2:00 pmKAROBController Overview (J1Sys, Sandevices, Advatek Lights, Hanson Electronics)
2:15 pmDARYLCFalcon Controllers [Watch Video]
2:30 pmAfternoon Tea
2:45 pmDARYLCBeagleBone as a Controller [Watch Video]
3:00 pmDAMO1271DIY Null Pixels [Watch Video]
3:15 pmDAMO1271Converting dumb lights to E1.31 [Watch Video]
3:30 pmI13Converting Static Lights to DC Computer Control
3:45 pmSMARTALECVixen to SMS and Email
4:00 pmALLGeneral Chat, Debrief and Class Dismissed

Day 2 Plan (Sunday)

SUNDAY - 21st June
9:30 amALLDOORS OPEN: Informal Chat and Setup
10:00 amKAROBWelcome Back
10:10 amSUPERMANRaspberry Pi + FPP [Watch Video]
10:30 amKAROBGeneral Chat and Questions
10:45 amDAMO1271Wireframes [Watch Video]
11:00 amMELLOWCOUPLEShow and Tell: Singing Faces
11:15 amGeneral Chat / Toilet & Drink Break
11:30 amAUSSIEPHIL3D Printing [Watch Video]
12:00 pmBBQ LUNCH
12:45 pmAUSSIEPHIL3D Printing
1:15 pmSMARTALECKomby Wireless
1:30 pmGeneral Chat / Toilet & Drink Break
1:45 pmSUPERMANFULL House Projection [Watch Video]
2:15 pmALLShow and Tell
2:30 pmAfternoon Tea
2:45 pmKAROBMember Displays
3:00 pmAUSSIEPHILNetworking [Watch Video]
3:30 pmALLGeneral Chat, Questions
3:45 pmKAROBFarewells and goodbyes
4:00 pmALLThat's All Folks

* Subject to change

Potential Topics

  • RasPi/BBB/Falcon Player
  • OctoScroller / P10 Matrix
  • Networking tips (IGMP snooping gear, separate networks)
  • Time to show off videos and display elements of each other's 2014 displays (optional)
  • Wireframe tips
  • Corflute constructions
  • Introducing 3D Printing ... how is it useful for displays
  • Enclosure temperatures ... do you need fans
  • Waterproofing refresher (for any newcomers)
  • Control enclosure building, wiring safety, fusing and how to work stuff out
  • The tools to use and how to use them. Soldering irons, multimeters, crimpers etc
  • Testing and faultfinding your display. Test software, testing hardware and procedures to use
  • Controller options. Pixel controllers, AC and DC controllers. Off the shelf and DIY
  • Configuring a pixel controller. J1Sys, Falcon, Advatek
  • Sequencers. LOR, LSP, Vixen, HLS, xlights
    • - xLights / Nutcracker (via remote link with Sean and/or David?)
    • - LOR Pixel Editor and Superstar (remote link again with someone?)

Required Software, Plugins and Files

To streamline presentations a shared presentation computer will be provided. Please list the software you require so that it can be installed.
  • Microsoft Office 2010/2013 Office 2010 Pro installed
  • Adobe Reader Acrobat Reader DC installed
  • Internet Browser with Flash Chrome v43 and IE11 installed
  • Vixen 3 link Vixen3.1u1 build57 (can install latest dev if needed)
  • Light Show Pro (on supermans lapptop)
  • xLights link (on supermans laptop)
  • Open Broadcaster Software link v0.651b 64-bit
  • Teamviewer (latest version) link V10 installed
  • AusChristmasLighting 101 PDF link

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