2013 Mini Adelaide

The 2013 RAdelaide Mini has since concluded. This page remains for reference purposes with links to related wiki articles and USTREAM recorded footage of the mini.

== Australian RAdelaide Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2013 Australian RAdelaide Mini.

=== Dates and Times ===
|marker1 = 12-16 Tikalara Street Regency Park SA 5010

'''When:''' 22-23 June 2013, 09.30am - 4.30pm

'''Costs:''' $5

'''Where:''' [http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Sunnybrae+Function+Centre,+Tikalara+Street,+Regency+Park,+South+Australia&aq=0&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=44.080207,93.076172&ie=UTF8&hq=Sunnybrae+Function+Centre,&hnear=Tikalara+St,+Regency+Park+South+Australia+5010&ll=-34.870634,138.573089&spn=0.009964,0.022724&z=16 Sunnybrae Function Centre, Tikalara St, Regency Park SA 5010]

'''Details:''' Lunch, Tea and Coffee will be provided courtesy of RegencyXmas and Sunnybrae Function Centre.

'''Structure of the mini''' This mini event will be structured for a hands on approach to different facets of blinky fun. From DMX to e1.31, soldering stations to pixel tree demonstrations. LSP Vs LOR Vs HLS Vs Vixen, pros and cons from each.

'''Freebies''' Door prizes are already rolling in, special thanks to David_AVD, marquisite, Matt, Minleon, SansDevices and J1Sys. More are on the way, but you will be pleasantly surprised. A local electronics vendor may also grace our presence with a vendor display from Aztronics.

'''Forum discussion:''' http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php?topic=3801.new;topicseen#new

'''Streaming:''' http://www.ustream.tv/channel/adelaidemini


=== What's happening - Saturday ===

The schedule will be promulgated close to the event once confirmed numbers are calculated, however, here it is as it stands currently

{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! width="12%" |Presenter
! width="10%" |Time
! width="65%" colspan="2" |Activity
! width="13%" |PDF/Link
! colspan="6" | SATURDAY - 22nd June
| 0830
| Doors Open
| Time for setup or grab a coffee (no beer till at least 11 am, ok Matt)
| Matt
| 0930
| Meet & Greet
| Welcome and Intro's, meet everyone.
| All
| 1000
| Discussion
| General Discussion on what people want to get from the mini
| Karob / Matt / marquisite / smartalec
| 1015
| Designing a display (Where to start, what to consider)
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34735487/highlight/373809 USTREAM]
| Damo1271
| 1100
| Wire frame elements and how to make them
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34738373/highlight/373829 USTREAM]
| Karob
| 1130
| Setting up Controllers and elements in LOR
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34741227/highlight/373831 USTREAM]
| 1200
! colspan="4" | LUNCH
| Matt
| 1300
| Setting up Controllers and elements in LSP
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34744467/highlight/373837 USTREAM]
| Adski
| 1330
| Setting up Controllers and elements in Vixen 3
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34746601/highlight/373841 USTREAM]
| smartalec
| 1400
| Practical
| Soldering ... Good for you, good for me
| 1500
! colspan="4" | Afternoon Tea
| Matt
| 1530
| Practical
| Corro..... I think I can, I think I can
| 1600
| Networking. Whats what and whats good for you
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34787631 USTREAM]
| All
| 1630 - 1700
| Wrap up
| Release the hounds

=== What's happening - Sunday===

{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! width="15%" |Presenter
! width="10%" |Time
! width="55%" colspan="2" |Activity
! width="20%" |PDF/Link
! colspan="5" | SUNDAY - 23rd June
| 0900
| Doors Open
| Grab a coffee
| Karob
| 0930
| Practical
| Setup a pixel Mega Tree
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34872111/highlight/378281 USTREAM]
| Karob / Matt / adski
| 1000
| Design a sequence for the Pixel Mega Tree in LOR, LSP and other software
| USTREAM: [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34872111/highlight/378283 LOR S3] [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34795185 LSP 2.5] [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34875445 Vixen3]
| 1100
| Discussion
| Different Controllers
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34787631 USTREAM]
| 1130
| Discussion
| Group based discussion
| 1200
! colspan="3" | LUNCH
| Matt
| 1300
| Sealing / waterproofing strips and strings post cutting (silicone, heat shrink and other methods)
| [http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34744467/highlight/373837 USTREAM]
| Karob / marquisite
| 1330
| LOR Tips and tricks
| Matt
| 1430
| LSP Tips and Tricks
| 1600
| Close

=== Current Details and Required Assistance ===
<!--Currently looking for some additional presenters for the day. PM Matt with any topic you wish to discuss.

Released letter to all participants. For all wanting to come, please read this

From discussions with people who were at the Adelaide Mini 2012. The day(s) were extremely beneficial and well worth being in attendance. Please come along and make the best of a great weekend of Blinky information. You never know, you may win a door prize and some other free stuff.

<!--For regionally located people or visitors from interstate (and heaven forbid overseas) let me know if you need accommodation. I will see whats available to help ease the pressure on the wallet.

Formal requests and invitations sent to some of the major hardware and software Christmas Lighting companies frequented by AusChristmasLighting.com folk.

Door prizes are accumulating. Some very exciting news and some great prizes. Thank you very much to all of the supporting businesses and people.-->

=== Attendees ===

The mini has now concluded.
<!--==== Confirmed ====--.
{| class="wikitable" width="45%"
! width="40%" |Name of Attendee
! width="20%" |#
! width="20%" |Saturday
! width="20%" |Sunday
| Matt
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| smartalec
| 2
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#f2ced4;" |NO
| mellowcouple
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| adski
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| Karob
| 1
| style="background:#ffffcc;" |Morning
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| marquisite
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| deblen
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#f2ced4;" |NO
| jb09
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| regencyxmas
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| damo1271
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| macflea
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| thieleclan
| 1 +3child
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| ttregoweth
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#ffffcc;" |Morning
| cozbert
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#ffffcc;" |Possible
| thecrazylightlady
| 2
| style="background:#ffffcc;" |Possible
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| mick8248
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#ffffcc;" |Morning
| Ozemate
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| Special Guest Presenter - AAH
| 1
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| InTheSpirit
| 2
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| Boof63
| 1
| style="background:#f2ced4;" |NO
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| pipersmall's Brother ''(not ACL member)''
| 2
| style="background:#f2ced4;" |NO
| style="background:#ffffcc;" |Possibly
| ''Name withheld'' ''(not ACL member)''
| 1
| style="background:#ffffcc;" |Part of Day
| style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES
| Ned from Aztronics ''(not ACL member)''
| 1
| colspan="2" style="background:#d7f0d3;" |YES (unsure of day(s))
<!--* Matt
* smartalec
* mellowcouple
* adski
* Karob (Saturday morning, Sunday all day)
* marquisite
* deblen (tentative for sunday)
* jb09
* regencyxmas
* damo1271
* thecrazylightlady (likely Sunday only)
* macflea
* ttregoweth (Saturday all day, Sunday morning)
* Boof63 (possibly Sunday)
* thieleclan
* cozbert +1 (2 attendees) (tentative for sunday)-->
<!--==== Expression of Interest, not confirmed ====-->
* anon (tentative)
* jibly71

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