== Australian Sydney Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2013 Australian Sydney Mini.
=== Dates and Times ===
'''When:''' 1-2 June 2013
'''Costs:''' $15 - $20 (Saturday night dinner at own cost)
'''Where:''' Sydney Fish Markets
'''Forum discussion:'''http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,2648.0.html
=== Preliminary Details ===
Saturday afternoon will start with a group meet up at 5pm and dinner at <to be determined>, followed by a walk through the Vivid festival. David (Lithgowlights) will be in Sydney the night before and will highlight a few interesting places to visit and discuss these during the dinner on Saturday.
Sunday morning starts at 9am, and will include demonstrations, talks, hands on "workshops" and an excellent lunch from the fish markets. There will be more information on talks and also parking as we get closer to the day.
=== What's happening - Saturday===
{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! Time
! colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="6" | SATURDAY - 1st June (Vivid Festival)
| width="10%" |5:00 pm
| width="20%" |Meet everyone
| width="70%" |Meeting will be at Oscars Lounge Bar, 84 Union Street, Pyrmont. If you get lost you can call LithgowLights on 0423 384595 or Yagoona lights on 0408 055 651 and someone will come find you.
| 6pm
| Dinner at Oscars
| 7:30 pm
| Vivid Festival. LithgowLights will talk about a few highlights during the dinner as he intends to scout some good places the night before. Group to decide where to go during dinner.
=== What's happening - Sunday===
{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! width="15%" |Presenter
! width="10%" |Time
! width="55%" colspan="2" |Activity
! width="20%" |PDF/Link
! colspan="6" | SUNDAY - 2nd June (Mini @ Fish Markets)
| 9:00 am
| Doors Open
| Shire
| 9:30 am
| Welcome, Housekeeping/Emergency, Introduction
| YagoonaLights
| 10:00 am
| Toolkits. What you need, and what is usefull.
| 10:30 am
| Servo control and what can be done, with Bucky demo
| [http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1204.0.html forum page]
| LithgowLights, Fasteddy & Superman
| 11:30 am
| Organising your channels & keeping track of what goes where. Paper notes, spreadsheets and how others in the group do it.
| 12:00 pm
! colspan="4" | LUNCH
| LithgowLights
| 1:00 pm
| Waterproofing & Current/Voltage Measurement
| General Discussion
| 1:30 pm
| Different light styles. Strips, RGB, pixels, modules & floodlights. What they are, what they do with examples of each. Commercial and DIY sources.
| Small Groups
| 2 pm
| Demo's of LSP, Vixen and LOR by whoever wants to show them off.
| General displays & chats
| 2:30 pm
| Open slather of chatting with people. General displays, talks and 1 on 1 chats. i.e. free time to look at stuff people bring!
| . pm
== Australian Sydney Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2013 Australian Sydney Mini.
=== Dates and Times ===
'''When:''' 1-2 June 2013
'''Costs:''' $15 - $20 (Saturday night dinner at own cost)
'''Where:''' Sydney Fish Markets
'''Forum discussion:'''http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,2648.0.html
=== Preliminary Details ===
Saturday afternoon will start with a group meet up at 5pm and dinner at <to be determined>, followed by a walk through the Vivid festival. David (Lithgowlights) will be in Sydney the night before and will highlight a few interesting places to visit and discuss these during the dinner on Saturday.
Sunday morning starts at 9am, and will include demonstrations, talks, hands on "workshops" and an excellent lunch from the fish markets. There will be more information on talks and also parking as we get closer to the day.
=== What's happening - Saturday===
{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! Time
! colspan="2" |Activity
! colspan="6" | SATURDAY - 1st June (Vivid Festival)
| width="10%" |5:00 pm
| width="20%" |Meet everyone
| width="70%" |Meeting will be at Oscars Lounge Bar, 84 Union Street, Pyrmont. If you get lost you can call LithgowLights on 0423 384595 or Yagoona lights on 0408 055 651 and someone will come find you.
| 6pm
| Dinner at Oscars
| 7:30 pm
| Vivid Festival. LithgowLights will talk about a few highlights during the dinner as he intends to scout some good places the night before. Group to decide where to go during dinner.
=== What's happening - Sunday===
{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! width="15%" |Presenter
! width="10%" |Time
! width="55%" colspan="2" |Activity
! width="20%" |PDF/Link
! colspan="6" | SUNDAY - 2nd June (Mini @ Fish Markets)
| 9:00 am
| Doors Open
| Shire
| 9:30 am
| Welcome, Housekeeping/Emergency, Introduction
| YagoonaLights
| 10:00 am
| Toolkits. What you need, and what is usefull.
| 10:30 am
| Servo control and what can be done, with Bucky demo
| [http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1204.0.html forum page]
| LithgowLights, Fasteddy & Superman
| 11:30 am
| Organising your channels & keeping track of what goes where. Paper notes, spreadsheets and how others in the group do it.
| 12:00 pm
! colspan="4" | LUNCH
| LithgowLights
| 1:00 pm
| Waterproofing & Current/Voltage Measurement
| General Discussion
| 1:30 pm
| Different light styles. Strips, RGB, pixels, modules & floodlights. What they are, what they do with examples of each. Commercial and DIY sources.
| Small Groups
| 2 pm
| Demo's of LSP, Vixen and LOR by whoever wants to show them off.
| General displays & chats
| 2:30 pm
| Open slather of chatting with people. General displays, talks and 1 on 1 chats. i.e. free time to look at stuff people bring!
| . pm
2013 Minis
List of Mini Expos
Sydney Minis
This page has been seen 1,796 times.
Created by onLast updated by on
- ryanschristmaslights