2014 Mini Brisbane

Here lies the details for the 2014 Australian Brisbane Mini.

Mini Christmas Expos 2014

Melbourne Mini 2014
May 17-18, 2014
Sydney Mini 2014
May 31-June 1, 2014
Brisbane Mini 2014
June 14-15, 2014
Adelaide Mini 2014
May 24-25, 2014
Perth Mini 2014
No plans for a mini...yet

When: 14th- 15th June

Costs: $10 per Day (BBQ Lunch and morning/afternoon tea provided)

Where: Joe's Big Shed 9 Cornish St Bundamba QLD 4304
View: https://www.google.com.au/maps/place/9+Cornish+St,+Bundamba+QLD+4304/

Forum discussion: https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/2014-brisbane-mini-june-14-15-2014.5362/

Preliminary Details

Welcome to the Wiki page for the Australian Brisbane Mini.

Following the success of our Previous Qld Mini's organization has commenced on our next event.

For those not sure what a Mini is. The Mini is an event where we all get together and learn from each other and discuss and view new types of controllers, software and lighting options.

The 2014 event will have lots of new people to meet and many controllers which are produced locally to look at and play with.
The focus of this event will cover software control as well as practical hands on displays of a range of controllers from J1sys]to control your pixels to DMX controllers from our china friends and David at Audio Visual Devices as well as equipment from commercial suppliers like Light-O-Rama all controlling basic strings, WS2801 pixels, WS2811 products and RGB lighting.
Additional workshop on basic skills required for a more DIY approach will also be available. As well as basic animation for your display.

All you need to know to set everything up from a basic first time display to a mega channel showpiece that consumes your every spare minute.

This is the one...


  • Superman (Steve)
  • AussieDoug (Doug)
  • Boomer (David)
  • Brownie Ben
  • Charlene
  • Dale82
  • Damien (Christmas Creations)
  • David_AVD
  • Driver (Brad)
  • Xccentric (Andrew)
  • Ian (Charlenes Husband)
  • Jamie
  • Julie (Christams Lodge)
  • Kel
  • miked
  • Paul (Christmas Lodge)
  • Pircy (Michael)
  • Qld28 (Kieran)
  • SteveCourt
  • Sparklerob
  • Stan
  • Aussiexmas
  • Kaden
  • Peterholyland

What's happening - Saturday

SATURDAY - 14th June
8:00 amMeet everyoneDoors Open grab a coffee
8:30 amWelcome and Intro's
Superman8:45 amLets go over the basicsDiscussion on what you have and where to go next with reference to 101 manual
Superman9:15ControllersCheck out the different types of controllers for your display
9:45 amMorning Tea
10:00 amLight OptionsRGB and Pixels What's the difference
10:30 amHook it up!connecting light and controllers. Practical demo of connected RGB and Pixels to working controllers
12:00 pmLUNCH
Damian12:30 amWire Frame Demonstration[http://www.christmascreations.net.au/ Christmas Creations]
1:00 pmSoftwareBrief overview of software and software plug-ins
2:00 pm
3:00 pmAfternoon Tea
Superman3:30 pmProjectorsUsing projectors in your display
5:00 pmHome Time or grab some dinner with friends

What's happening - Sunday

SUNDAY - 15th June
9:00 amDoors OpenSunday is Traditionally a time to address things as a group in a more practical sence
12:00 pmLUNCH
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
3:00 pm

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