Melbourne/Vic Melbourne Mini 2022 - May 28-29

Event details

Event date
Saturday, May 28, 2022 Sunday, May 29, 2022
Registration deadline
Friday, May 27, 2022
Username Guest count Note
djgra79 djgra79 1
abundy abundy 1 Spoiler content hidden.
thewanderingpine thewanderingpine 1
C Croydon Lights 1 Spoiler content hidden.
burnt burnt 1
vk3heg vk3heg 1 Spoiler content hidden.
battle79 battle79 1 Spoiler content hidden.
SarahD SarahD 1 Spoiler content hidden.
Jandrews755 Jandrews755 2
C christophe 1
S Simone 1
BluePat BluePat 1
andrewa andrewa 1
Christmas on Clarafield Christmas on Clarafield 1
Snicko Snicko 1
B Brett Greenland 2 Spoiler content hidden.
Jaali Jaali 1 Spoiler content hidden.


My name is Graham & I love flashing lights!
Global moderator
Dec 27, 2011
Cranbourne West
With many thanks to @mikey for securing our venue, I'm pleased to announce that the 2022 Melb Mini is ON!

When: Sat & Sun 28th & 29th May 2022
Time: 9am to 5pm both days
Location: Sandringham College Theatre, Holloway Road Sandringham
Cost: $10 per day

We've already had some suggestions and offers for help so please advise below in this thread what topics you would like to see covered. If there are enough people interested we could easily fill both days with a mix of semi-structured content (presentations/talks/discussions/demos) and also some show & tell of your own prop builds, or indeed any troubleshooting help you'd like.
Bring along your laptops, props, pixels, controllers and whatever else you're proud to show off or need some guidance with, and together we can all help make this a collective group effort.
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Topics & presenters:
Coro & Prop mounting solutions - DJ
Matrix Builds - DJ
First year retrospective - thewanderingpine
Old rope light options - SarahD
Wifi show options with Raspberry Pi - SarahD
WLED - thewanderingpine
Tools & gear for the hobby - DJ
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Possible content if anyone's interested
* Using neon flex to vamp up old rope light props
* running a show over wifi & distributed raspberry pi's

And would love to see someone talk about mounting corflute props. I've got a set of the big angel wings to attach to a garden arch, and can't find much about good mounting methods. With 500 pixels in each, they're gonna be heavy.
Just a quick little bump for those Victorians (or any out of towners) who are interested in attending the Melb Mini to please ensure you register via the RSVP at the top of this thread so we know how many people are attending.
Another friendly reminder that the Melb Mini is just 3 short weeks away! If you're looking to come along and meet up like-minded blinky enthusiasts and soak up some knowledge or share your experiences, we'd love to see you.
Please let me know what topics you'd like to see covered or what you'd like to share/present. It doesn't have to be a proper fancy powerpoint presentation, just bring a prop or gear and show us what you did.
I'll put together a very rough running sheet for both days, but I want it to also be quite flexible and see where the conversations take us. I'll update the 2nd post above with a running list as I hear back from everyone.
So looking forward to it. I've got one more to offer if people are interested - I got a 3D printer for Christmas and have started designing and printing brackets.

I can bring a couple for show and tell -
I don't plan on bringing the printer, because it uses UV resin which has some safety consideration.
I can bring some brackets and controller boxes with brackets in them.
Is that of interest?
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Topics & presenters:
Coro & Prop mounting solutions - DJ
Matrix Builds - DJ
First year retrospective - thewanderingpine
Old rope light options - SarahD
Wifi show options with Raspberry Pi - SarahD
Super interested to learn about Coro and prop mounting solutions - thanks DJ. I've got a pair of selfie wings and a garden arch, and somehow need to get the two combined.
I wouldn't pretend to be an expert - but I could share something on WLED and permanent installs? Can bring along a range of ESP controllers as examples as well.
If we have any newbies coming along maybe we could talk about handy tools to have for things like making cables, and if Alan (AAH) is there he can go through his pixel tester and how it works:).
This can be a short presentation followed by an informal discussion.
I've been so busy lately (actually since about October) that I have completely lost track of when things are on. I could use some time away from moving my parents from farm to town so the chances of me getting down there are firming up.
Let me know if there is anything that you want brought down, to learn about, want me to talk about, want me to fault find or if you just miss me and want my company :D
If we have any newbies coming along maybe we could talk about handy tools to have for things like making cables, and if Alan (AAH) is there he can go through his pixel tester and how it works:).
This can be a short presentation followed by an informal discussion.
Yes I did a preso in previous interstate minis on tools and parts needed for the hobby, happy to re-share that if I can find it.

I've been so busy lately (actually since about October) that I have completely lost track of when things are on. I could use some time away from moving my parents from farm to town so the chances of me getting down there are firming up.
Let me know if there is anything that you want brought down, to learn about, want me to talk about, want me to fault find or if you just miss me and want my company :D
We hope to see you there if you can make it, been a while between soft drinks :)
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I'm out now sorry.
Still highly busy and with my daughters workplace currently going through an outbreak I am not sure I'll get through the next week without the bug. What actually pushed me over the limit entirely was the Falcon Player announcement that FPP6 will be a pay to use program and it will directly affect my sales and will also mean I will be fielding much more in the way of support questions. This has me questioning my future with making controllers :(
I'm crossing everything that I will be OK for the mini next weekend. I'm currently in iso due to finally catching the spicy cough and am able to be out and about next Thursday, however should my kids catch it, I may need to stay home to look after them.
So as we're a Scouting family I'm trying to Be Prepared, and would like some assistance with organising collection of the prizes I have, in the event that I can't make it.
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