can CTB16PC controller + a few relays = 2 separate shows?


Apprentice elf
Nov 18, 2022
I've been looking through the forums here and haven't found anything on this subject. If it's covered somewhere, or if this question would be better placed in a different area please give me a link.

I have a LOR CTB16PC controller that has 16 output channels. I already have a small show programed and working, but uses only 14 channels. Could I in theory hook up a series of 15 relays, use one channel to activate these and run a completely different show?

I know that both shows couldn't run at the same time, but that's actually fine for my purposes. My setup is for running a display that entertains a crowd waiting in line to go through my Haunted House. I really want to keep the show I have, but also want to do a "side show" that incorporates 2 singing pumpkin displays, and those things take up 5 channels each.

I also know that getting a second controller would solve this problem, but sometimes I like to do things the weird way. And since the displays would never be running at the same time anyway, it seems like a waste of channels to have half of them dormant. And since I have 2 channels that aren't being used I could technically have 3 different shows if none of them need more than 14 channels.

Looking forward to hear your thoughts.
Relays are cheap. Enough to try this would be around 30 USD or so. The controller is around $250 right now I think.
Well you need a plug that splits out to each of the relays, the relays have to have 2 plugs each for open and closed positions... you are saying that a relay with an input plug and 2 output AC plugs is only $2? I can't even get much of a cord for $2, let alone 3 and a relay, and some wire to get to the relay for control purposes...

You also didn't ask how much for a controller that's currently cluttering up my attic with no chance of seeing any use :-D
15 relays on 15 of the 16 outputs, using one to switch between different output locations? Yes that could work. A lot of extra work involved there just to flash some lights though.
Well you need a plug that splits out to each of the relays, the relays have to have 2 plugs each for open and closed positions... you are saying that a relay with an input plug and 2 output AC plugs is only $2? I can't even get much of a cord for $2, let alone 3 and a relay, and some wire to get to the relay for control purposes...

You also didn't ask how much for a controller that's currently cluttering up my attic with no chance of seeing any use :-D
I'm assuming this would be hardwired from LOR output to coil on relay not using plugs. People have done this from what I recall from my LOR days. I also recall issues if no current draw on the output from the LOR controller. Been over 10 years since this crossed my mind. You might try the LOR forums @everettdale
I guess if you hardwire and don't care about codes you could just put one relay on 2 neutrals... and send the hots to both sets of props all the time (that the LoR wants to send it).
All the LOR output does is engage the 120v coil on the relay. All current will run through the relay powered from separate power source which is GFI protected on a circuit breaker
Regardless you only need one relay. Its a little unclear to me what the OP is looking to do. With two unused channels you would need max 2 relays. These would only get on/off effect
Well you need a plug that splits out to each of the relays, the relays have to have 2 plugs each for open and closed positions... you are saying that a relay with an input plug and 2 output AC plugs is only $2? I can't even get much of a cord for $2, let alone 3 and a relay, and some wire to get to the relay for control purposes...

You also didn't ask how much for a controller that's currently cluttering up my attic with no chance of seeing any use :-D
That's all very true. But even so I'm pretty sure I can do it all for under $100.

As for that controller in you attic, I live in Eastern Washington, USA, I assume you live on the other side of the planet from me. What do you think the shipping would run? All together I'd go as high as $150 USD. Let me know.
Regardless you only need one relay. Its a little unclear to me what the OP is looking to do. With two unused channels you would need max 2 relays. These would only get on/off effect
To me it sounds like they want to use one of the 16 channels to control a bank of 15 relays that will switch between Normally Open and Normally Closed, with each set of Normally Open contacts running to one plug, and Normally Closed running to another plug, allowing them to control 2 sets of props in different locations doing different things from the same controller, but not at the same time. All power will still go through the LOR controller and enable full dimming as the output will be connected to the Common of the relays.
To me it sounds like they want to use one of the 16 channels to control a bank of 15 relays that will switch between Normally Open and Normally Closed, with each set of Normally Open contacts running to one plug, and Normally Closed running to another plug, allowing them to control 2 sets of props in different locations doing different things from the same controller, but not at the same time. All power will still go through the LOR controller and enable full dimming as the output will be connected to the Common of the relays.
This is exactly correct.