PCA9685 to FPP and Xlights


New elf
Jun 5, 2019
Hi everyone, I need your help please.

I am trying to add some servos to my show using PCA9685. I will be running PCA9685 from a raspberry pi. I am not sure what I am doing wrong as I am trying to test the servo on xlights talking to the raspberry pi. Below are my settings on FPP (raspberry pi):
Settings on xlights:
Is there something I am missing?

Thank you
Based on your xlights screenshot you have defined 0 channels in there - is it auto sized? turn that off and just specify the 16 channel size manually
Based on your xlights screenshot you have defined 0 channels in there - is it auto sized? turn that off and just specify the 16 channel size manually
Thank you for your reply. I have updated the controller settings and unfortunately I still can't output to lights from xlights. Controller.JPG
I am not sure where I am getting it wrong. I have tried to find any resources online but there is not much info on servos out there.
Thank you
Before using xLights, have you used the FPP display test functionality? You should get it working on the FPP without xLights. In this way you divide the problem into smaller sections. If it does not work directly from fpp then you may have a wiring error.
Before using xLights, have you used the FPP display test functionality? You should get it working on the FPP without xLights. In this way you divide the problem into smaller sections. If it does not work directly from fpp then you may have a wiring error.
Yes I did test it on fpp and it is working fine.
Cool, one possible error spot fixed. I am not an xLights guy so someone with more xLights experience will need to help you beyond this point.
Is your DDP/E1.31 input page configured correctly on FPP to receive the network data from xLights?
Hello everyone I would like to let you know that I have managed to do it. I used the visualizer and push the configuration on xlights. If anyone needs help to set up their PCA9685, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you
Hello everyone I would like to let you know that I have managed to do it. I used the visualizer and push the configuration on xlights. If anyone needs help to set up their PCA9685, please do not hesitate to reach out. Thank you
Hi Christophe,
I am really interested in figuring out our end working configuration for getting this setup working. I was looking at adding this to my show this year. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You
Hi Christophe,
I am really interested in figuring out our end working configuration for getting this setup working. I was looking at adding this to my show this year. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You
Hello Miguel, sure can definitely help. Have you been able to put your data servo on FPP and have you been able to test them to see if they work?
Hello Miguel, sure can definitely help. Have you been able to put your data servo on FPP and have you been able to test them to see if they work

Hi Christophe,
Currently I manually configured my PI running FFP Using the Single Channel Patterns slider I can get the servo to move. However when using xLights, I don't think that I have the right configuration.

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