NOTICE OF PLANNED SITE OUTAGE WEEK OF 19 AUGUST 2024 - Site migration to different server provider
AusChristmasLighting is on the move! Shortly, the site will move onto a new server at a different Australian data center location. In order to facilitate this move and avoid any fresh content becoming lost during this transition, AusChristmasLighting will be unavailable for a period of time.How long will the site be unavailable?
It takes time to transfer across an entire community's posts, attachments and other content. The new server location could be up and running in a matter of hours after the migration begins. We've taken steps to reduce the impact an IP address change brings, but please note that there is a possibility that it could take up to 48 hours for some DNS providers to correctly point you to our new server location.What can I do during the outage?
It is the season for sequencing, am I right?