ryanschristmaslights Sep 12, 2017 Video contents: 0:09 F16v3 1:57 F4v3 2:28 V3 Expansion Board 4:54 V3 Differential Expansion Board 6:23 V3 Differential Receiver (4-string) 7:48 F8 Distro (fused power distribution) 8:20 PiCap (2 string pixel outputs for Raspberry Pi, DMX & RTC) 9:38 V2 and V3 expansion board compatibility
Video contents: 0:09 F16v3 1:57 F4v3 2:28 V3 Expansion Board 4:54 V3 Differential Expansion Board 6:23 V3 Differential Receiver (4-string) 7:48 F8 Distro (fused power distribution) 8:20 PiCap (2 string pixel outputs for Raspberry Pi, DMX & RTC) 9:38 V2 and V3 expansion board compatibility