Thank you AAH for responding that fast. I brought the kits which has the controller with the 350 watts power supply all enclose in a weather proof box.When you say "powering the pixels entirely from the controller then you need to use more outputs" are you saying that the controller can power...
okay, here are my problems: I brought a Alphapix 16 and 4 controllers. i used a calculator to figure out how many led stripes for my house outline I calculated that I will need 5 dmx universes. but this isn't including my 3 small matrixes on the second floor and I didn't add bats on roof, nor...
okay, here are my problems: I brought a Alphapix 16 and 4 controllers. i used a calculator to figure out how many led stripes for my house outline I calculated that I will need 5 dmx universes. but this isn't including my 3 small matrixes on the second floor and I didn't add bats on roof, nor...
HI I am interested NTKING, this is my first year i am hooked, I am still learning the whole process so I dont think I will have time to sequence so if you can send me some sequences it will help tremendously. THanks
Thanks Logan, great show! I am starting this year just brought LOR system only 32 ports but I hope I can still use your sequence. I love how you made your house dance. One of the best I've seen on Youtube for sure. Again thank you for sharing.