Recent content by Barnabybear

  1. Barnabybear

    Change of IP address with button and LCD display Ethernet Shield Arduino

    Hi, as pointed out in previous posts this is possible, the user interface is quite long and gets a bit complicated particularly if you are converting HEX values in to DECIMAL to display on the screen. With regards to the eeprom it only degrades when written too, reading is not an issue if you...
  2. Barnabybear

    New 12V smart pixels

    Hi Al, I’ve linked the data sheet below. I don’t have any of the pixels to test but from the sheet: If you lose 1 led out of the RGB does the pixel go dark with no colours shown or does it just show the other 2 colours...
  3. Barnabybear

    1st Mega Tree - Need design Validation

    Hi, to give you an idea of what the setup in the first post might look like I’ve linked a video. The tree is from 2013 so no great effects. 32 strings x 42 square pixels (1,344 total pixels) 360 degrees. 3 ½” spacing along the string, about 12’ between the first and last pixel on the string...
  4. Barnabybear

    Steel Toppers

    Hi, if you get stuck an old car break disc modifies quite well. I know it needs repainting, it’s not done bad considering it first went up in 2012.
  5. Barnabybear

    Hi Friends - Help with a work project

    Hi, that’s an ambitious project producing pretty cool effects. That said there is no reason why it couldn’t be replicated, I would guess that these where custom manufactured for this project (but 90% of what we do is custom manufactured – not much difference there). Having done a wearable...
  6. Barnabybear

    Thoughts of static standalone pixel controller for frames?

    Hi, I had a go at something that sounds similar. It used a .fseq file created in the sequencer of your choice which was loaded into the on board memory of an ESP8266, then played back and outputted as pixel data. Files up to 1.5MB seemed to run ok so it would run a smallish pixel count without a...
  7. Barnabybear

    What's wanted

    Hi, I've just done a little board that does WS2811 pixel to AC mains via an opto coupler and triac. It’s only single channel and has no dimming but works fine for my application – switching 240V 10W driverless LED modules that I’m using as high power strobes. The files are below if anyone is...
  8. Barnabybear


    Hi, you could use a second ESPixel stick with a different start address for the continuation of the data in the end of the string. This would use one less ESP than your method.
  9. Barnabybear

    64 channel Arduino based Channel E1.31 PWM controller (for dumb pixels)

    Hi, If you don’t get any joy finding the code but still want to make something like this I have done similar projects. The links below were written during the development so waffle a bit but should contain all the information. A 16 channel controller for ‘dumb’ LEDs that receives E1.31 data...
  10. Barnabybear

    TLS3001 protocool question

    Hi, I know this tread is over 6 years old but never confirmed how to light the TLS3001s. For reference my findings: Data is 12 bit, Manchester coded, 1 is a high to low transition, MSB first, 160KHz and 500KHz transmission speeds have been proven to work. The data sheet spec’s 100KHz to 2MHz...
  11. Barnabybear

    GS8208 LED Strip

    Hi, the data timing is interesting. Whilst it works with the WS2811 waveform at 800KHz it looks as if they have made it easy to run on a 4MHz SPI with 4 bits making up a single bit at 1MHz. 12 SPI bytes would make up a full set of 24 bit data.
  12. Barnabybear

    TLS3001 protocool question

    Hi, did you ever get to the bottom of this? I'm wanting to add TLS3001's to my E1.31 Arduino controller.
  13. Barnabybear

    What's wanted

    Hi, this could be done but it would come with a cost and initially not a small cost when you consider that all the manufactures would need to recoup their time developing this. I suspect if it was ever trialled the down fall would be that other members would correctly suggest that they could map...
  14. Barnabybear

    FPP Won't Run Scheduler/Play Playlist Until I Plug Ethernet In

    Hi, I have just done the same thing as I've lent out my mega tree for an event next weekend. I to used a schedule from 00:00:00 to 23:59:00 and dates 02-01-2017 to 31-12-2099 this auto runs on power up (or about 30 seconds after power up with boot time). I used a fixed IP as there is no router...
  15. Barnabybear

    Restrict DC-DC buck to 5v

    Hi, agreed from the data sheet it looks like the 1N series of diodes wouldn’t provide suitable voltage over protection. I’ll follow with interest to see where this ends up.