Recent content by bbayjohn

  1. bbayjohn

    Sounds of Then (This is Australia) - 2023 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2023

    thanks Mark, Its uploaded. Thank you for your hard efforts and I hope to Santa is nice to you.
  2. bbayjohn

    Sounds of Then (This is Australia) - 2023 AusChristmasLighting Around the World sequence (ACLATW) - Submit by 18 Dec 2023

    wasn't sure were to upload, have you seen mine Mark. View:
  3. Sounds of then ( This is Australia ) by Gang Gajang

    Sounds of then ( This is Australia ) by Gang Gajang (2023)

  4. Downunder by Luude (Feat. Colin Hay)

    Downunder by Luude (Feat. Colin Hay) (2023)

    1st year on a new house 2022
  5. bbayjohn

    Please help... About to go crazy.....

    Sounds like they are stuck in test mode. 1st attachment says its green fade test in the top right corner,
  6. bbayjohn

    Tesla coils

    How cool would this look in your show? View: hmmmm, I’m feeling it
  7. bbayjohn

    Tree Pixel Balls

    I'm guessing the aerosol can is for size reference.
  8. bbayjohn

    Hello from Florida

    Welcome to ACL Chris :thumbsup:
  9. bbayjohn

    Mounting RGB Bullet Pixels to Roof Ridge Line/Peaks

    Hi TN and welome to ACL.. If using nodes I would look at maybe some Boscoyo strip, this may suit your needs.
  10. bbayjohn

    Sydney/NSW 2018 NSW Mini at Picton - May 26-27

    drop box link pls ?
  11. bbayjohn

    Sydney/NSW 2018 NSW Mini at Picton - May 26-27

    are we doing dinner tonight, if so what time?
  12. bbayjohn

    Mega tree topper design

    Here is the design I followed to make my star.
  13. bbayjohn

    Sydney/NSW 2018 NSW Mini at Picton - May 26-27

    just got back from camping for 3 weeks with no service. I can see where you are coming from but my presentations also uses a few sequences. Still have some work to do. See you Friday night