Please help... About to go crazy.....


New elf
Oct 25, 2022
Hopefully this is the right place to post asking for help.
Its my first year with a full pixel display.
I have tried to research this through various forums over the past few weeks trying anything that will help.
The issue I have is that only half of my props are lighting up correctly. The other half are flashing between red green blue, even when I run a test from FPP and Xlights.
I am running a a 5v system using a Hanson electronics HE123 MK2 and BBG. I am only running the one controller with 16 outputs.
I have tried altering between the different colour orders but have not had any luck getting the colour to stay steady on the props.
My universe and channels do not overlap from what I can see.
I have the latest version of FPP with an activated license attached to the EEPROM and Xlights 2023.20 3.3.0.
Does anyone have any ideas on where to go?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • Web capture_13-12-2023_123534_192.168.1.107.jpeg
    Web capture_13-12-2023_123534_192.168.1.107.jpeg
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  • xlights snip.JPG
    xlights snip.JPG
    146.2 KB · Views: 27
What happens when you test one prop at a time? Sounds like it might be power issues.
To test one at a time, click in FPP on status / control then select display testing down the bottom. On the left hand side you can pick individual models to test in the model name drop down.
It doesnt change it unfortunately.
I have tried through xlights and fpp.
Sounds like they are stuck in test mode.
1st attachment says its green fade test in the top right corner,
I grabbed the screenshot of it as I was running the last test.
I have tried rebooting, switching on and off etc. Still does not change what is going on unfortunately.
The arches and tree are working properly
Grinch, Reindeers, Santas sleigh, Illegal Alien are all flashing rgb.
Does the problem follow the prop if you move it to another port that had a working prop? (Obviously the colors will be wrong, but does the flashing stop?) If the ports, which ports? Can't hurt to tag @AAH as perhaps the symptom is one he'll recognize quickly.
I'd try deleting ports 5 down, restart FPPD and then add one prop at a time, test and see what happens.
Just swapped ports and the flashing stayed with the prop.
Its the props on ports 6 to 13 that have the issue however after swapping port 12 with port 2 the issue stayed with the prop.
How far from the controller to props 6-13? Flashing can be a sign of data signal loss. I only get about 5m from my HE123 before I need a f amp
How far from the controller to props 6-13? Flashing can be a sign of data signal loss. I only get about 5m from my HE123 before I need a f amp
They are some of the closer props to the controller.
Ill take them closer to the controller and try.