Recent content by Daniel1973

  1. Daniel1973

    Local/AU Ben and Derf's 2024 Build Party September 15th

    Cant remember if I have replied, but count me in.
  2. Daniel1973

    Local/AU Ben and Derf's 2024 Build Party September 15th

    That was last year's rule. lets spice it up a bit.
  3. Daniel1973

    Local/AU Sydney Build Party - 10 September

    Count me in Ben.
  4. Daniel1973

    Permatrack for Aus

    I 3D printed gutter clips. refer to an old post.
  5. Daniel1973

    Permatrack for Aus

    I use attached on my gutters. Nice straight lines, holds up to the weather extremely well, yr 4 for these ones. Used a simple jig and drill press (1" space).
  6. Daniel1973

    xSchedule - Lag

    Just reaching out for some guidance, I am running xschedule and during testing I am experiencing intermediate lag and there is a turtle at times on the lower right corner. Has anyone experienced this, and how did they rectify this issue.
  7. Daniel1973

    Local/AU Ben's Build party Sunday July 12th 2020

    Great day today Ben.
  8. Daniel1973

    Local/AU Ben's Build party Sunday July 12th 2020

    Looking forward to it Ben. Please let me know if you want me to bring anything.
  9. Daniel1973

    hello im new

    Online Expo - Easter 2020 - self isolation style
  10. Daniel1973

    Sydney/NSW Sydney Expo May 16-17th 2020 - CANCELLED

    Count me in for 4 Pillar pole ( ).
  11. Daniel1973

    Matrix inside mega tree

    1 inch on
  12. Daniel1973

    Matrix inside mega tree

    16 * 100 5v
  13. Daniel1973

    Sydney/NSW Sydney Expo 2020 (aka Sydney Mini) interest

    if you are doing the round table idea again, I can bring my CNC and do a chat about enclosure boards etc.
  14. Daniel1973

    Local/AU Show your display - Zoom, Friday 13th Dec

    Count me in again.