Recent content by ebrady

  1. E

    3.x Swap to FPP for output and no more stutters. Yea!

    At present there are three things that I can think of that would give the appearance of a slowdown. I have experienced all three myself at one time or the other. 1. The effects being compiled require a finer resolution to render correctly. An example of this is to set an alternate effect...
  2. E

    E1.31 controlled screen(s)!

    Good stuff! Do you plan to do a write up?
  3. E

    Export to Vixen 2.1

    Vixen 3 now has the ability to export sequences to Vixen 2.1, beginning with development build #37. As with the other export types, you should have all of your required display elements to controller outputs fully patched in the Display Setup.The output file is a flattened sequence with each...
  4. E

    Singing face sequence for Christmas Can-Can?

    I believe the latest version of xlights/Nutcracker will convert from HLS to LOR.
  5. E

    Animating Faces. Using Papagayo

    I have used Papagayo extensively in the past. While it does allow you to accomplish the task, it is extremely temperamental and buggy and it can cost a lot of time working around these problems. Version 1.2 is the older version and has the most bugs, version is newer and has had some...
  6. E

    3.x Vixen 3.1.0 Coming Soon

    Below is a repost of the announcement message recently posted on the DIY Christmas sites. -------------------------------------------------------- The Vixen 3 team has been hard at work for the past several months. We've sorted out a lot of the performance issues that many experienced last...
  7. E

    Happy Birthday ebrady

    Yep! 20 TA200 enclosures!
  8. E

    3.x Vixen 3 Lip Sync Overview - Updated

    Forgot to mention - It is possible to use zig-zag matricies with Vixen3 today, it just requires a lot more work to patch channels, setup preview elements etc. So the "feature" would be more of one that would make it easier to use, which is what I am talking about in my previous post.
  9. E

    3.x Vixen 3 Lip Sync Overview - Updated

    I have had multiple requests for this feature, and have am thinking about it. I am coming to the conclusion that this feature is really not specific to the lip sync module and would likely require changes to the system in multiple places. Specifically, to the templates used to setup the...
  10. E

    Happy Birthday ebrady

    Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone!
  11. E

    3.x Vixen 3 Lip Sync Overview - Updated

    --- Repost of message from DIY Christmas ---- OK, so for all you fine folks out there who have taken time to try out this functionality and provide feedback THANK YOU! You "bravery" has helped find a number of issues with the code and provided valuable feedback. If you haven't look at it yet...
  12. E

    3.x Vixen 3 Lip Sync Overview - Updated

    Hi all, I have put together a set of overview videos for the Lip sync functionality I am working on for Vixen 3. This is the first time I have put together summary videos, so bear with my "newbie-ness" in this area. Here are the links and their table of contents. Video #1 0:00 - Introduction...
  13. E

    More Singing Trees

    Very nice!
  14. E

    Vixen info please post here

    Thanks for posting smartalec! I did not mean to leave my friends here out of the loop, I have just been short on time these days and have not had a chance to make over here to post yet. Ed
  15. E

    Fasteddy's 2011 RGB Christmas Light Show

    Awesome... Love it!