Vixen info please post here


Dedicated elf
May 2, 2010
Who has some info on Vixen that they would like to post here?

I think AAH may have one "100 Things I'd Rather Be Doing Instead of Patching...." :p:D

all jokes aside please post here
If people dont feel like there is enouth information on vixen or support,
thats cause ACL is more about payed software than free software
but free software is just as good if not better that some of the paided software.

If you want decent help log in an goto diyc.

otherwise us Vixen3 nuts here will try an keep you informed of the latest info
well i used v3 this year in cristmas .. valentime day and yesterday for my birthday ... and i love it ...the only draw back was it need a big powerfull pc to run .... but suposely it will be fix .. and it would be very nice to get arduro capabilyty as it is cheaper then buying a new pc .... cheer
I think that is quite an impressive display. Lots of stuff going on, and it didn't get boring.

Have you thought about presenting the video as split screen, top half the preview, and the bottom half the sequencer ?

After checking out the various software choices, I have ended up choosing Vixen 3. I have faith that the team of developers are going to have an impressive product by the time we get to the end of this year !!! Their roadmap of what is being worked on hits all the right buttons for me.
Just for a Heads up. there is a lipsync generator comming up in vixen soon..

all the details are over at DIYC

An for people wanting to watch the video tutor's

Video #1
0:00 - Introduction
1:58 - setting up Display, new Template
4:34 - Setting up the preview
5:50 - New sequence items for Lipsync
6:55 - Lipsync to String/Pixel Mapping Overview
10:04 - Creating a Lipsync Map
13:20 - Default Mappings
14:55 - Setting Default Map

Video #2
0:00 - Introduction and recap of Video #1
1:05 - Sequencing a Lipsync element manually
4:54 - Overview of Papagayo
8:32 - Importing Papagayo Files
11:50 - Lyric to Phoneme Converter - Part #1

Video #3
0:00 Introduction and recap of Video #2
1:33 - Sequencing of Alvin and the Chipmunks
2:24 - Audio Processing to enhance Vocals
5:17 - Converting Lyrics to Phonemes with Text converter
7:01 - Text to Phoneme conversion using Marks
12:30 - Chipmunks Sequence with audio
16:55 - Other effect possibilities
Please note, the desktop recording software was unable to keep up when I tried recording the previews in videos #2 and #3 so the LipSync effect does not look as if it is working correctly even though it was.

The latest builds of the code can be found at the following links -


Note - These are not official development builds from the Vixen 3 team, they are from my own computer. To take a look at then, download and unzip to a known location and run the application exe in root of the folder directory. Back up any Vixen 3 files before hand and you mush already have Vixen3 installed for these to work properly. PM me if you have issues getting them to run.
Thanks for posting smartalec!

I did not mean to leave my friends here out of the loop, I have just been short on time these days and have not had a chance to make over here to post yet.


smartalec said:
Just for a Heads up. there is a lipsync generator comming up in vixen soon..

all the details are over at DIYC

An for people wanting to watch the video tutor's

Video #1
0:00 - Introduction
1:58 - setting up Display, new Template
4:34 - Setting up the preview
5:50 - New sequence items for Lipsync
6:55 - Lipsync to String/Pixel Mapping Overview
10:04 - Creating a Lipsync Map
13:20 - Default Mappings
14:55 - Setting Default Map

Video #2
0:00 - Introduction and recap of Video #1
1:05 - Sequencing a Lipsync element manually
4:54 - Overview of Papagayo
8:32 - Importing Papagayo Files
11:50 - Lyric to Phoneme Converter - Part #1

Video #3
0:00 Introduction and recap of Video #2
1:33 - Sequencing of Alvin and the Chipmunks
2:24 - Audio Processing to enhance Vocals
5:17 - Converting Lyrics to Phonemes with Text converter
7:01 - Text to Phoneme conversion using Marks
12:30 - Chipmunks Sequence with audio
16:55 - Other effect possibilities
Please note, the desktop recording software was unable to keep up when I tried recording the previews in videos #2 and #3 so the LipSync effect does not look as if it is working correctly even though it was.

The latest builds of the code can be found at the following links -


Note - These are not official development builds from the Vixen 3 team, they are from my own computer. To take a look at then, download and unzip to a known location and run the application exe in root of the folder directory. Back up any Vixen 3 files before hand and you mush already have Vixen3 installed for these to work properly. PM me if you have issues getting them to run.
the lipsinck generator look very promising much that now i have to make some prop witch i was not planning
v3 need to be able to play with rasberry pi ... so it wont bug my pc ..cheer
I had a play with this last night and it is REALLY GOOD!!

Forget about Papagayo and go straight to the text converter, it will save hours.

I am referring to Vixen 2 here but hopefully this'll help if anyone's still using it.

When defining a new channel order there is an easy way to move a large number of channels quickly.

Double click a space between two channels and a dark line will appear there.
Ctrl+click any channels that you want to move there.

Thanks adski for showing me this
Wanna know whats happening in Vixen 3 Development Build 3.0.11.x ??

[/size][SIZE=78%]Current Dev Build is from 8 July. (this build has the "bug" that it forgets anything defined as an Arch !! Arches are invisible, but go back to 3.0.10 and they suddenly re-appear. That has been fixed in the next Dev Build.)[/SIZE]
[/size][SIZE=78%]Other work that has been going on since 3.0.10.......[/SIZE]
[/size][SIZE=78%]New Features[/SIZE]

Icicles as a standard element
Lip Sync Feature.
Add Color Gradient Library editor access to the Tools menu
Ctrl Click and drag to duplicate effects.
Added Distribute tools and property matching to the preview.
Added Zoom to the preview
Added Alignment tools to the preview.
"Star Burst" Feature
Exporting beat mark collections.
Effect distribution alignment helper
Curve Editor (in the main tool bar)
Profile Zip Wizard.
This tool allows the user to select a profile, and all, or the selected data
and zip it in a file to the users choice destination folder.
Improvements to Undo / Redo
Improvements to Snap
... and more in the pipeline

Performance Improvements

Memory clean ups.
Caching of the smaller visible portions of the elements.
On the fly effect image rasterizing. Images are no longer cached.

Lots of Bug Fixes (hey, it is Beta software, so of course there are bugs !! ) Can't wait for it to get to 3.1.0 !!! (whenever that will be)

And ..... go and "Like" our Facebook page ....