Recent content by everettdale

  1. E

    RaspberryPI + FPP + WT32-ETH01 ESP32 + WLED just not working.

    I'm still having problems. I have a RaspberryPI running the latest version of FPP, and a WT32-ETH01 running the latest version of WLED. I have a simple Xlights sequence that I can test run on the WT32-ETH01 conneceted to my computer via Ethernet and that works as expected. I uploaded the...
  2. E

    Cheap Router for show network

    This is one I was looking at. The emulator is really cool, thanks for that. It looks like what I need.
  3. E

    Cheap Router for show network

    TLDR What's a cheap router with Ethernet IP addressing and manual static IP assignment's? less than $50US new. lI have to admit i'm struggling with something that i used to work with on a daily basis. Networking. Anyway, what I'm trying to do it this. I have a raspberry PI with FPP...
  4. E

    Pi with FPP not connecting to wifi

    no, I was trying through the wifi access point from the pi. I'll give ethernet a try.
  5. E

    Pi with FPP not connecting to wifi

    I'm trying to get my FPP Pi to connect to my wifi. I can connect to it via my computer via the built in access point by changing my computer to that wifi access point. it comes up as FPP. when I'm there I can access the FPP interface via the I.P what I want to be able to do is...
  6. E

    What's your favorite control box?

    I'm putting together a new display and it needs a control box to house everything. I'll be using an ESP32, so that's tiny, but it also needs a 12v power supply like this... And some connectors and whatnot. So, I ask all of you... What is your favorite IP64+ rated control box? commercial or...
  7. E

    Can I make my own face in a matrix

    I think the Node Ranges thing is what I want to do. I'll mess around with that and see.
  8. E

    Can I make my own face in a matrix

    I'm not sure where to go with this question now. I went into the Layout section and created a Matrix model and figured out how to set the parameters to get a 25X25 matrix with a single string of pixels. When I go into the Sequencer and drop an effect on to the Matrix it behaves as I would...
  9. E

    Can I make my own face in a matrix

    I haven't really looked too deeply into how this is done, but I see that you can put a singing face on a matrix. All I see are pre-made faces to download. Is there a way to create my own? And a second question. I can have 2 different "characters" singing at different time on the same matrix...
  10. E

    Laptop vs ???

    interesting. I'm just getting started in this RGB pixel controller stuff, so bare with me. I was planning on using an wt32-ETH01 as the controller for this display. No music. Are you saying that might be all I need? or will I need both an esp32 and the wt32-eth01 one as the controller and one...
  11. E

    Laptop vs ???

    Currently I'm using an old laptop to run my show. I've seen people using a raspberry PI as well. What are the other options out there? The reason I'm asking is that my situation is kinda weird. I'm not running a show for the shows sake. My show is a small production that people see while they...
  12. E

    Looking for smaller bullet type smart pixels

    I might be getting the terminology wrong here but what I currently have are these. amazon I would like something with a similar form factor, but smaller in size. The LEDs above are, I believe, designed to fit into an 8mm hole, I'd really like something that would fit in a 4mm hole. With...
  13. E

    Singing Face Mouth Map

    I actually just did that. Or at least something very similar. I'll update the pdf soon. I'll add the node ranges too. And the model data map.
  14. E

    Singing Face Mouth Map

    I couldn't find a smart pixel light map for the mouth phonemes that I liked so I spent a few hours putting one together. I figured that some of you might find it useful. I also figure that as soon as someone looks at this they'll go "Oh, that's just like this one you can download here" LOL. But...
  15. E

    wt32-eth01 running WLED and what went wrong

    First off, I want to thank everyone who helped me with my struggles with what should have been a simple task. So... Thanks everyone who helped! Take a peek at this thread to see all that if you like, but I'll summarize it here. I want to use a WT32-eth01 to run some standalone props with...